I've always wondered what it would be like to live in a world so removed from reality that it is almost comical. The western Liberal is so mentally abnormal that is a bizarre creature to even have a logical conversation with.
To portray an anti-white narrative, when blacks are committing more direct and indirect racist crime towards whites is one of the most culturally bizarre developments in the west. Actually, it's not even Black-on-White crime, it's non white criminal behaviour vs white criminal behaviour. Very odd social development, the only thing i can credit it to is pure white masochism. You have muslim asian gangs raping and grooming white european girls, which is mostly ignored by the mainstream media, and when any white person brings this up, they are automatically brow beaten by typical "anti-white" argumentation. Blacks kill whites at a rate 15x higher than the reverse, create games that target whites for racial violence that goes ignored by the media and when they do focus on it they create a narrative that it is a "hoax" or, the liberal left creates a self-destructive, suicidal excuses of "we need more social programs". Just odd, odd behaviour. And of course, when any white male decides to stick up for himself and not be completely neutered by the feminists, marxists, left, he is characterized as a "white supremacists" or racist. There is never an argument of logical or fact, just emotion, or calls for the white person to be banned, or lose their job, be censored etc, etc.
All of these multiculuralists, egalitarians and diversity cultists don't actually want an "inclusive" society, they simply want white democide and white spiritual and cultural neutering.
Perfect example of left-wing totalitarians and anti-white argumentation
"Populism — strictly, white populism — is dangerous to the elite, and that explains their program of importing a new people to undercut the influence of the middle class whites who represent the greatest threat to an avaricious, globalist, culturally severed ruling class intent on hoarding power until their last breaths and the last breaths of their assortatively inbred posterity. And you know, the elite might win, because the majority’s wishes, courtesy of the open borders project of soft genocide and demographic replacement, will soon align with the elite’s wishes.
A soft, neutered pale Ewok as the representative of America’s bold march into a progressive, humanist future. A discrete choice made by a discrete committee in a sea of remarkably similar thematic choices, and yet this seemingly trivial promotional decision tells us so much about the mind of an enemy moving precariously close to outright tyranny as the next evolution from psychological debasement to achieve its goals.
You know what’s happening? Multidirectional, multivariate, multicausal American decline. Every metric, every signpost, every
judicial fiat, every subversive narrative points to the same destination: The drain. The deviants and degenerates and destroyers are as close to the sun now as they’ve ever been. This is their moment. They can feel the warmth of validation. The radiant glow of coerced acceptance. The flare of triumph over human nature. Fat Pride, Femc*nt Pride, Freak Pride, Furry Pride, Slut Pride, Anti-White Pride, Gay Pride and now Pantywaist Pride. Pride cometh before the fall."