Eastside Get The Money
@Reaganomics @Marcelrellu @ORDER_66 @Conan The Barbarian @4d3d3d3 @ridedolo @??????? @Supreme Leader Reinscarf @Tim2520 @Eastside Get The Money @2stainz @Mowgli @MTAFZ @Eruit-Roemello @Milk N Cookies @Family Man @Meh @Based_Beazy @BaileyPark31 @ReturnOfJudah @richaveli83 @rahtid @Starboy52 @RetroGrade @PERC GOD
Thanks for supporting us brehs and brehettes.
If you could do me this solid and sign up for our final 48 hour thunderclap.
All you gotta this is click the link below, hit support with (facebook, twitter, or tumblr) preferably all three. (This is completely free btw and extremely helpful)
That is it. 2 days before the campaign is over, you will automatically share our campaign on your social media accounts without you having to worry about it.
Help my children's book series <<<------ Click it and sign up to help us spread the word
Also, we will be releasing add-ons today. Thanks for everything you have done so far. Gonna send one more of these messages out to the rest of the people in this thread.
Supported. Do your thing black man