Black Republican candidate for Governor says it’s black Americans you owe reparations to the country for their freedom

May 29, 2018
Mentacide: The Ultimate Threat To The Black Race

What is Mentacide?

It is “the deliberate and systematic destruction of a person’s or group’s mind [which] may give a clue to why the Black race, after developing such an advanced civilization, has for the last 400 years been assisting in its own destruction and the nearly total subjugation of Africa by foreign invaders.

In the relationships of Whites with Blacks:

Whites exhibit the behavior of psychopaths and their behavior reflects an underlying biologically transmitted proclivity that is rooted deep in their evolutionary history.

1) Predatory behavior toward people and their land
2) A predilection for senseless destruction of nature and people
3) The ability to persuade Blacks to support and protect them against their own interest

These key points described by Dr. Wright concerning the continued oppressive psychological condition of African people in the world indicates to me that our biggest challenge as a people is that of Getting Our Minds Straight and Stopping Mentacide!
The great Dr. Amos Wilson also talks about this. Black people are out of our minds.


6th Man
May 29, 2018
Ain't nobody about to co-sign that message. I can go into so many industries that have had obstacles in the way that prevented black folks from being prosperous. This type of talk is just to gain support from people that lack critical thinking, that's why there was minimal applause because his statements weren't making sense.

Black folks have supposedly been 13% of the population forever it seems like now, and still are at the bottom of the economic ladder when we literally built the country.

Who Not How

Mar 11, 2022
The great Dr. Amos Wilson also talks about this. Black people are out of our minds.
Ain't that the truth. And I don't see the sense of urgency in our people. It's like we think one day everything will magically fall into place, just keep voting, keep marching, keep getting degrees from PWIs, keep having discussions on social media :francis:

Mentacide differs in theory and practice from concepts, e.g., "brain washing" in that its ultimate aim is the extirpation of an entire race.

There is one essential condition in order for the process of mentacide to be effective; namely, the control of the opposing group's institutions or the power to significantly influence them.

Unfortunately, for the Black race, that condition exists through the world. In fact, some Black groups, e.g., those of the United States and Azania (South Africa) are enslaved rather than being oppressed, exploited, etc., in that all their life sustaining institutions are controlled by whites.

There is no denying that there are whites who are oppressed and exploited by other whites, but they are still able to significantly influence institutional change. The technique of mentacide deludes Blacks into believing that there is a commonality between them and oppressed whites, which leads Blacks to attempt to form alliances with them. Yet, in spite of historical failures of these alliances to benefit Blacks they continue to pursue this process. Unfortunately, Blacks will continue to utilize white directed techniques in attempting to solve their problems and will continue to be unsuccessful until they can develop a "Black Social Theory."

There is an African proverb that tells the traveler of life that "if you don't know where you are going, then any road will get you there." Without a social theory, all behavior, even if it is considered revolutionary, operates by chance or by external direction and no group at this competitive time in history whose basic defense is "faith in the Lord, or white folk, or any other forms of superstition" will continue to exist.

A social theory determines the destiny of a people by establishing guidelines of life, e.g., it defines their relationship with other living things; it defines values and rituals, methods of education, how enemies are to be dealt with, etc. The ultimate achievement of a Black Social Theory would be the recreation of Black culture.