my rep had returned to positive before I jumped in this thread. Then those crazy Bernie Sanders socialist fans dropped me down 300! aka biscuit lady & her crushes buying into that sanders rhetoric.
Then you got those stipend people that think the gov should pay them to post on the coli all day....and they were mad too, lol.
I know you watched 2 episodes of Shark Tank so you think you are up to speed... but you don't understand economics. Specifically, economic securities as it relates to systematic stability.
In life there is something called a line of attrition. You might know this as other terms such as boiling point or breaking point, rock bottom, etc.
When a person falls below the accepted line of attrition within a society they become dangerous to those interacting within the established system (consumer/producers) because when you are below the line of attrition the risk vs reward for scenerios like 'should I rob this dude?' 'should I kill this bytch?' 'should I rape this chick?' favor heavy reward for taking action and minimal risk due to minimum possible penalty.
See, when the average person questions whether to do those things they consider losing their car, their job... no longer seeing their familly, no more internet porn and video games or greasy foods or whatever they fancy... but a person below the line of attrition (aka at rock bottom or the breaking point) is like oh well, fukk it. Then they murder or rob or rape a chump. Those chumps that end up at the business end of the gun are usually frail fat cacs and other squares or easy marks. The very same type of person you see on fox news bytching about entitlement programs are the kind of ppl that get lit up on the way home when they aren't in place.
This is why the government has programs like welfare and free cell phones and low income housing.
Not to protect the poor, but to protect the rich
from the poor.
So when you listen to people discuss welfare queens and food stamps and similar things disparagingly, or when I see a person like yourself use terms like '
stipend people who think they should get paid to post on the coli' what you are really doing is showing those of us that understand economics that
you very much don't.
Be thankful ppl smarter than yourself are keeping the ppl you look down on from going through your wallet while you bleed out.
Cause it can all go left in the blink of an eye kiddo.