Um. No. Its not.
I suggest you either start reading something about economic theory from people who have long investigated this and settle on some of the more nuanced parts.
Capitalism isn't some extreme. There are numerous regulations on it as an idea. Same with socialism.
Stop looking at economic theory like religion. Its not rigid.
I've read up well and studied on this . Your biased views are like mine, which causes your reaction, so no harm.
I simply am saying that based on its current set up, the negatives far outweigh the positives of whatever you throw out there.
Its a failed system to me and many others and it is on its decline. A whole new system needs to be custom created from the ground up for humanity to survive in a natural way.
Capitalism creates slaves which is inhumane on any level in civilization. folks like me believe in MAXIMUM punishment for marijuana and drug abuse, so there is no way we can all have the same beliefs relating to morals.
Capitalism is the only system proven to create more millionaires.
In America poor people are fat...enough said.
Explain to me why poor people in poorer countries have their ribs showing?(I'm from Ghana I know)It creates millionaires at the expense of who though? Millionaires can only be by way of those that are not. If it was a fair system, then there should be more. Instead there are more poor. Btw Millionaires are not even considered rich anymore. Capitalism actually phased that out also. You need to be a billionaire now to get in the club. This proves why its a failure, when it keeps creating levels upon levels so that it can survive. The Billionaire now feeds off the Millionaire, who feeds off of yo azz....
There are negatives to every system. I don't see your argument
And capitalism is progressing to the point that people may be out of jobs due to advances, not because capitalism failed. Read some Malthus or something. You have no idea what you're talking about.
We know you're being outclassed here because you can't go deeper into any nuance beyond vague concepts of "humanity surviving" or whatever shyt you're saying. You're just being sparse with details here...and its because you don't know anything.
Capitalism creates more opportunities for individuals to take risks (AND FAIL) and create their own destinies.
Look at all the FORMERLY communist/socialist societies
BTW, there are no truly capitalist societies. They're all regulated to some form or another.
Prey? Do you mean consumers? Then yes. Sure.Capitalism only survives by having prey.
This is the problem with NOT UNDERSTANDING nuanceThat's all the nuance that one needs to know.
The solution is to become capitalists yourself, central planning doesn't fix that. If you're tired of being used as tools of capitalism, create your own tools.And the prey is the african in amerikkka and outside of it, who's back it was created off of.
And you think socialism is going to fix this? Why don't these nations promote the very capitalism they want to see?Capitalism is the reason the motherland is still trying to get back up off the ground after being raped by capitalists, now only to see new age one's start raping it again, and more from the inside now.
unsurprisingly, you don't have a grasp on this either.Just as with the Ebola/HIV debate. you stick with what you're told, I'll stick to what I know,feel and see.![]()
Explain to me why poor people in poorer countries have their ribs showing?(I'm from Ghana I know)
But richer/capitalist countries have fat poor people?
man stfu you sound stupid...Capitalism is a failed experiment and creates slaves.
You know the sister's video I'm going to post will go more in depth also.
But its a clear cut explanation imo. We don't mix with Capitalism, it is a slave system set up off of slavery and basically is slavery by another name. Capitalism's cover story is that it is a social system based on the principle of individual rights, that infuse energy via production resulting in a free market, which for Black people also is a warning and hint as to why this wasn't, is not and will not be something that we can employ while being integrated with a cac colony. The fact that their "Wall Street" was not only built by an actual slave force and where our ancestors are buried beneath, but we were first sold as the first market of Wall street, yet we are still treated like second class citizens socially and economically, and have not been paid our reparations, should tell you why and how this system was created in the first place and why we need a Black nation to ourselves to set up our own system for our people.
Now i'll post the sister's video I've known for some years and her explanation also below, but lets discuss this in a rational and intelligent manner if possible....
In the current global capitalist system, money talks. You do not have a say unless you can show the cash. This stands to reason why black people have no say. Hundreds of years of oppression in the forms of slavery, colonization and neo-colonialism have continued to rob black people of their wealth. So i can see why black people would believe that to acquire mass amounts of money would change something. I hate to break it to you capitalist but that wont happen. Oh sure two or three or even a hundred of you will make some money, but if black people all over the world started to organize and practice self determination in their communities, in this current system, those communities would be targeted and dismantled.
Capitalism means we (Africans) can only exists as workers or as poor miserable masses.
Capitalism seeks out the weakest of us (government officials, cia and fbi agents etc) to sell out our communities, for notoriety or profit. This is how it happened during slavery, colonialsm, neo-colonialism, black revolution of the 60's, 70's and 80's and today.
Onixisis: a member of the African People's Socialist Party (APSP) which means I am an African Internationalist.
History clearly shows blacks flourishing under capitalism, and racism sponsored and supported by the state tearing us down.
They have done a bang up job of convincing you otherwise though, and now we are stuck in a system engineered to keep us down and them up... with powerful indoctrination tricking us into this carefully engineered system is somehow unfettered and natural(the free market).
Left to compete side by side with blacks on equal footing, whites wouldn't stand a chance. So they place us on unequal footing... and call it unfettered and freeand you niqqas eat it up, concluding that being left alone and free to our own devices is whats holdin back, and we need the white supremacist system to carry us out of poverty...
Hows that been working out?
No system is better at generating wealth than capitalism, not one! and black people are in desperate need of some wealth. I'll let you put it together from there.