JahFocus CS
Get It How You Get It
Did you read what you linked?
Creating unions and organizing unions in a capitalist economy is similar to mass production in a social economy how? Not only are all the examples on a small scale but many of those countries subsidized their economies by raping the third world. You have yet to explain the incentive of highly educated, highly skilled people to work in the unfavorable conditions that come with working these kinds of jobs (power plants, rice fields, sweatshops)? Its like you lack any understanding of basic human psychology. And ironically, any technique that can sustain 7 billion people is a product of innovation spurred by capitalism.

I'm not concerned with petit bourgeois and bourgeois elements. On the question of abolishing chattel slavery, I wouldn't ask what the incentive for slaveholders was

It is capitalism that creates this particular historical class conflict between the working class and the bourgeoisie. Industrial socialism is the response to the conditions of capitalism and the logical resolution of the contradiction in the material interest of the working class.
Most Marxists would argue that capitalism is a necessary step in material development before (industrial) socialism is possible. After all, there would be no working class or bourgeoisie without capitalism. Capitalism is a system that is more materially productive than hunting/gathering, non-industrial agriculture, and feudalism. That isn't debatable. The system played a historical role in global development. But for the working class (and the planet), it is a dead end.