you can almost learn anything online these days if you develop a strong penitence and tolerance for it. But schooling I guess the fact that you would be coughing up money for, would probably increase your drive to succeed in the study. But I'm certain there's a lot of really good self taught artists out there that put in some serious time with it.
Problem is people see they suck at something and QUIT
Basketball, Drawing, Music etc
The moment I realized to be very good at something you have to keep doing it repetitiously. I thought early on in high school people just had talent automatically (wrong)
I wanted to be good at basketball, I played every day and watched players like Bron, Steph, Kyrie etc then one day I became really good to the point I didn't notice. It was just everyday to me. People started telling me I was really really good, I should join the basketball team or "are you on varsity?"
It was weird. I went from being terrible at something to being, in other peoples eyes, VERY good.
So now I'm taking that and applying it to art and drawing... It all takes time and drive.