Black Excellence 

It's pre orders right now. Should be at Diamond Comics or Comixology.where can i buy this
Art is not enough to deter me unless it's Liefield or Chris Bachalo..he draws a good Rogue but the rest of his $hit is weird. It was a nightmare reading that Colossus team during Age of Apocalypse.don't like the art work, but i will be rooting for it's success.
I probably haven't bought a comic book in 20 years but I will be copping this; one for myself and the younger generation stuck on them CaC heroes
tell that to marvel. if the art work was tight, it would have sold a millionArt is not enough to deter me unless it's Liefield or Chris Bachalo..he draws a good Rogue but the rest of his $hit is weird. It was a nightmare reading that Colossus team during Age of Apocalypse.
Ordered.Black Panther (2016-) #1 - Marvel Comics
Black Panther (2016-) Digital Comics - Comics by comiXology
Series is going to be great and he's GOAT black superhero with that Disney marketing engine behind him. Def check it out!