How liberal would our immigration policy be?
I like the Canadian system - points based, and the points are related to skills.
Would the quality of life be any better than any other Black country in the New World?
On the material side of things, that's a function of the economy.
On the cultural/intangible/psychological side of things - it's by definition hard to quantify.
Plenty of Caribbean/African countries have all black everything. In those countries - it really doesn't mean much. It's only when they move to other places, or compete against others that it does start to mean something.
You should read
Imagined Communities by Benedict Anderson.
Or any other Black country on the planet?
The competition would be - most of the Americanized Caribbean and Nigeria and South Africa.
In terms of quality of life, It could very well be better than those places.
What would be our policy towards crime and punishment?
No matter what race is running things, there are still people that want to murder, rape, rob, steal, cheat - etc.
Clear laws, Good Enforcement, Fair Sentences.
That said, most of the Black nations of the diaspora still have capital punishment. Most drugs are illegal. And regular things like theft, robbery, and sexual assault are crimes.
The real issues with those are enforcement.
A big part of why any government "works" is that individuals in the population fear the state. The state has the only legitimate use of power.
How do you collect taxes when people don't really fear the government?
The institutions of the state are one of the big problems all over the developing world.
Legalize it - including the hard drugs. Regulate. Incarcerate those who would flount the law.
That's a good question.
I would assume that a lot of the big corporations would move.
Disney leaves Florida
Coca Cola leaves Georgia
The other states are always in the red, and honestly have not recovered economically since the end of the civil war.
So on day 1 of the New Republic - that leaves agricultural products with the rest of the states (FL Oranges and GA Peaches, etc). If the leaving population burns the fields, distribution centers, stops the fertilizer/pesticide trade, destroys the equipment....
The ADOS states would have to double down on IP production - and hope that IP protections would be honored across the globe. Given how Haiti was treated, I'd wonder very much about that.
We'd have to build/rebuild
- Defense
- Food production
- Infrastructure
- Schools
- Hospitals
It would be like a massive Cuba. Possibly a failed state like Somalia/South Sudan.
We would try democracy at first. I doubt any would see the need for senators. It'd be a one executive and a cabinet, and a lot of representatives.
I suspect that it would devolve into multi-parties that can't work with each other for the most part. (see a lot of Western Europe)., I would expect a "strong man" to emerge, much like it did in the US in 2016, and it does all over the world. ,,,
It took something like 1800 years for the UK to get governance "right". and by right, I mean the rulers respect the subjects, and subjects respect the rulers. And if either one gets out of line, the other is there to reset things. It's the rules that everyone abides by that makes a society prosper - because everyone is sort of working towards the same thing.
In terms of governance, same timeline with most of the Euros.
Asia, even Japan and Korea, are effectively 1 party states - where the old powers rule along side the industrial oligarchs.
I find the NOI's/Black Nationalist dream to be a good one - I just don't think they have any students of history in their camp.