I know right ? Let them tell it. This is so crazy how TLR is becoming alt right. It sounds like reddit in here .
People don't get that these people are part of a machine to defeat Democrats. It's convenient to put the Donkey on there but I want a photo from Yvette with the elephant as well.
Of course you don't care if Trump wins again because you want him to.
Exactly .I'm gonna say it again .Black people are dumb and emotuonal as hell for the most part and all those puppets out there know it too. Now it's cool to be woke while pushing right wing rhetoric.
You wanna be woke ? Go do something in your community .go give guideance to young black males whose father is locked up. Go do some research on how many policies Republicans are pushing to hurt Black employment.
You dumbass faux woke c00ns probably didn't even know Trump passed a legislation where your employer can decide not to hire you if you're Black, or they don't have to hire Black people anymore. You dumbasses don't get that Trump basically never praised anybody black in office .You c00ns don't get that he basically called forr his people to hurt Maxine Waters. You c00ns don't get that Republicans disrespected Obama on the daily because he was black .
However hey, let's celebrate Yvette Cornell who is probably gettinginfluenced to push propaganda to suppress the Black vote, just like tour favorite pimp did in 2016.
Wait til Trump picked a Supreme Court judge. It's gonna be lotta blacks getting shot and now we will actually see other cops telling us shut up or leave .
I know some of you guys feel like you have nothing to lose since you guys are not successful in life yet or some of you have become complacent with some weed, sex and a little pocket change. However when the time comes it will be too late and looking back you won't have the courage to tell your kids how you were part of all this.
I don't live by fear mongering.
My grandfather was getting money before and after the civil rights act, segregated bathroom in all.
My parents were in race riots in the 60's/70's, there millionaires.
I don't use drugs, I have a career and side hustles, I'm married a amazing black women.
I'm trying to buy a apartment building in Los Angeles.
I'm going to get my money regardless of who sits in the oval office.
So can say what you want, it's free speech
The facts are facts and it's funny how you havent presented any data or evidence to support your case
Maybe because you don't have a case who knows.
Here is how I see it
Under Obama
Silent racist
Black doing bad....
Blacks being shot by police
Gay agenda being promoted
Hispanic immigrant agenda being promoted
Under Trump
Vocal racist
Black still doing bad
Blacks still being shot by police
Resistances against the gay agenda
Resistances against immigrant agenda
And with all that said, black are still doing bad out here, so does it really matter, the one person who could of gotten something done for us, didnt.
Obama should looked out for us, the way Trump is looking out for whites unapologetically, he is doing exactly what they voted him in there to do, like we voted Obama in there to due for us but he dropped the ball.