Mess World
Y'all calling em c00ns don't even know the history
Little Known Black History Fact: Black Cowboys
Y'all sound like c00ns
Little Known Black History Fact: Black Cowboys
Y'all sound like c00ns
I'm not saying you're a c00n if you rock one...its just that the majority who do rock them just so happen to be c00ns..Black men can rock just about anything regardless if the majority of us rock it or not. That would be the smart and confident way to look at it. Instead we have folks in here calling you a c00n if you rock one. Can't make this up.
whenever i see brothas in stetsons, i catch a mad case of the giggles.
i know da brat ain't a dude, but since she's also into box, she got honorable mention.
is that ross?
Oh I'm stealing this for text message fukkery!!!!