Weaves are very tranny-ish
Just be you they probably just see you as a hoodrat no offense. Wait for a good man to come along if you don't already have one. I see those type of dudes trying to holla at those chicks with weave all the time. While I just smh at them. Never hated weave as much in my life
note most naturals dont have long curly wavy Christina Milan natural hair which is biracial texture by the way..... we talking about 4b/4c texture kinky and shrinkage
yupu kinda exposin yourself cuz all my nikkas see a chick with that long curly natural ahir and hit the
If I remember correctly you a hood chick right?
As a former "hood" dude. The drawbacks of hood mentality is that we can be closed minded to things that are different than what we grew up around (meaning weaves). You hang around a more professional man you will notice more play as a natural sista.
Also, natural hair will highlight either your natural beauty or averageness. So if you get less play, that usually means you weren't all that to begin with and the weaves were masking that to the brainwashed masses
most black people's hair grows up not down and it's kinky not curly so whose really exposin themselves?u kinda exposin yourself cuz all my nikkas see a chick with that long curly natural ahir and hit the
Yep but you guys get to hide your natural facial flaws with makeup, men dontHow is it fair for black men to feel that when black women's hair USUALLY doesn't grow that way (unless they are mixed) and black men's hair don't grow that way either.
Isn't that holding black women to an unfair beauty standard?
That's like if black women only preferred black men with long, straight blonde hair... When black men's hair USUALLY doesn't grow that way.
And making fun of black men because their hair ISNT long, but kinky and full.
did i say all black people. I pointed out the texture the OP is trying to illustrate, which she confirmedSo all black people have the same texure hair now