Just like their was zero proof that the Zimmerman case had anything to do with race, the incident and the TRIAL werent racial turned a certain way right? Thats white peoples 2013 cop out for racism "YOUR RACE BAITING!!!" , so unless something is BLATANTLY racism, its not racism. fukk outta here
look, i know many want to deny racism exists, but it does...
and in as much as you want to think it doesnt, it does exist...
the Zimmerman case was all about race...from the jury selection to the analysts to the verdict...
now granted there are situation were folks can be objective, but even from the jurors mouth they did not give trayvon, witness the benefit of the doubt...the jurors felt zimmerman overstepped his boundaries but still got him off...and the juror referred to trayvon and friends as those peope...and while the jury was split 3/3 for guility/not guilty...the jurors decided to change their potential verdict for not guilty.
and there was an intent to paint trayvon as thug, who got what was coming, even though that was not the actual situation...you cant be blind it