This show is low key brilliant...
Easily the smartest show I've seen in a long time; With about 4 excellent seasons, this could surpass the Boondocks in terms of social commentary/clever writing; very deep show
This show is low key brilliant...
i was kinda upset uncle elroy aint really get no lines, hopefully he shows up in more eps cuz thats one funny mufukka....ep was pretty straight, this man vic was a simp of epic proportion nicca came down the steps talkin bout he in luv and he gon be boonie daddy shyt was hilarious how boonie kept sayin "wtf is this nicca talkin about?" :shaqtinfool:
She's low key the shows MVP. Always good for some good tudie a mf'n fool, she say imma stoner, hell im high right now and im a dealer she sound like me
She's low key the shows MVP. Always good for some good laughs.