Whoa where to begin..Duchess is insane. It makes no sense to close up "your" shop in New York and start all over in NC. You take over NY and then branch out and all I'm hearing from Duchess is "I want, My shop, My Dream" I swear Bill Burr said some shyt about certain women that is so on point when in a relationship. Some of them are just determined to crush your dream, talent, and ambition just so their own goals can be accomplished or discourage you in anyway. Everybody told Ceaser about Duchess from Season 1 and she has ruined the friendship of everyone in the shop. Completely destroyed that group of friends. I don't understand how you gonna shyt on Ceaser's business but then still not want to sign a pre-nup. If you "pulled up to Black Ink in a BMW" and "Black Ink is barely kicking rocks" then take that same BMW and go yo ass back to NC and build you imaginary tattoo shop. Crazy b/c in the same breath she tries to say Black Ink is both of theirs.
Ceaser need to abort that relationship ASAP. This chick is a snake and coming for your business claiming it as her own already and you aint even married her yet.

2.5 million dollar mansion. This bytch is a certified nutjob and her Booker T looking old man need to go on with all the bullshyt bullying tactics. shyt is corny and aint gonna work. Ceaser keep Black Ink and buy Ink 124. fukk that chick and don't let her crush your dream.