Metta World Movement
Peace and all!!

not surprised people are savages over dumb sh*t.
One of these days I'm going get a 1000 $1 bills and throw them off a rooftop of in a congested area, just to watch how savagely people react to a few bucks.
not surprised people are savages over dumb sh*t.
One of these days I'm going get a 1000 $1 bills and throw them off a rooftop of in a congested area, just to watch how savagely people react to a few bucks.
People getting murked over Monopoly bills... :fry:Joker Parade - Make it Rain - YouTube
I was thinkin of this earlier, but doing it on Black Thur/Fri near a Walmart just before they open the doors.....with fake money![]()
That dude got tossed lol. Then he's in the background to trying to choke someone out.
First thing I thought of when watching the old lady get stripped.,oO1cYU&feature=youtube_gdata_player
If walmart really wanted to make money they would televise this on ppv through the security cams... I would pay to watch the shyt go down and then flip to another store and watch it happen again!
that bytch bit into homeboy like she was on walking dead
wtf was that they was going HAM over? looked like rat traps
...i watched this video like 5 times and didn't see that til u said it
For real tho somebody gotta tell me the deal on those phones, what was they going for...them joints was in both clips
Man, what u said...i thought the exact same thing. Its like watching the Hunger Games....televise that shyt and call it the Struggle Games.