First of all
Second of all..... tall is this motherfocker, what year, and where ?
First of all
Second of all..... tall is this motherfocker, what year, and where ?
That's Robert Wadlow he was 8'11'' and died at 21. that dude was 7'4'' 350 pounds by the tim he was 13
New smileyLMAO MJ like Oak come get this lil niga up off me.
The definition of no n1ggas lmao. This thread is hilarious and classic. Love the-coli and I love being black.LMAO MJ like Oak come get this lil niga up off me.
Kenny G's stoopid a$$ standing next to the man who HATED WHITE FOLKS WITH A PASSION..
miles davis once said that the reason why he TURNS HIS BACK ON THE AUDIENCE when he played his horn is because he cringed at the thought of being a minstrel for whites.....and because it was his way of RESTRAINING HIMSELF from wanting to choke the living shyt out of all those white faces he saw in the crowd........
funny thread's classic![]()
In later years, Miles played his trumpet with his back to the audience. This confused and angered some people who thought he did it because he was arrogant. But the real reason Miles played this way was because it made it easier for him to give cues and signals - when to play and what to play - to his band. He once told a newspaper reporter who asked him why he played this way: "nobody ever asks classical orchestra conductors why they have their backs to the audience. The reason is that they're telling the orchestra what to play and when. You don't criticize them for doing it, so why do you criticize me for doing the very same thing."