Black farmers will receive $5 billion of the stimulus package

Stone Cold

May 6, 2012
It's a nice start but the WaPo ain't shyt for labeling this as REPARATIONS. Be careful of the language.

"Of the $10.4 billion in the American Rescue Plan that will support agriculture, approximately half would go to disadvantaged farmers, according to estimates from the Farm Bureau, an industry organization. About a quarter of disadvantaged farmers are Black. The money would provide debt relief as well as grants, training, education and other forms of assistance aimed at acquiring land."

But others, while acknowledging that the payments would be highly significant, say they do not constitute reparations.

William Darity, a professor of public policy at Duke University who has studied reparations extensively, says that a $5 billion allocation is a “pittance,” at most 2 percent of the lost wealth, and that it does not constitute reparations.

“The best estimates I have seen of the economic loss to Black farmers due to USDA policies and overall processes of land appropriation by Whites has been between $250 and $350 billion. This is approximately 10 percent of total Black wealth in the U.S., about $2.5 trillion,” he said. “The notion that this approaches a program of reparations is nonsense.
Reparations for Black American descendants of slavery must be designed to eliminate the gulf in Black and White wealth.”
