Black excellence


Jul 17, 2013
this post..
the @Hawaiian Punch is more lethal than ether :whoo:. what's the alcoholic contant of that drink?:wtf::usure::scusthov::whoa::banderas::to:


May 21, 2012
As far as his ummm "Statements" in Higher Learning and abroad.....
#NeverForget :wow:

:sas1: Oh and while we're "never forgetting" I'm about to post this
lil gem from our boy :
"Why does it only seem to apply to our sisters?"

I'll make this very clear. The reason is because white women are prettier than black women.

I'll tell you I go through phases with what kind of girls I like. Right now I'm attracted to black girls more than anything. But if you put the average black girl next to the average white girl, the average white girl is almost always prettier. Matter of fact if you take the top 5% of black girls and compare them to the average white girl, the black girl will only be slightly prettier.

I just think beauty has some objective and subjectiveness to it. The reason why I like black girls more is because that's just my subjective preference. But if I were to try and find the prettiest girls on earth, black women wouldn't make the top ten unfortunately.

Now this is all just my opinion but I feel very strongly about it based on a few reasons.

  1. By unanimous consent among most non black people, black women aren't as pretty as other women. Even a lot of black men agree with this unless they grew up in the hood.

  2. If you look at the so-called prettiest "black" women, 99% of them have caucasian features. It starts with the hair and that's a huuuuge factor to how pretty she looks. Notice how most black girls, or at least the pretty ones, try to emulate non-black hair. Also, if its not the hair that makes her pretty then its the skin tone. Most of the so-called pretty black women either have caucasian hair, or lighter skin, and in most cases the finest ones have both.
I think most readers would find it very challenging to find me a picture of a very pretty black women without any caucasian features, that look just as pretty as the finest white women. If someone can prove me wrong on this then that's great, I really hope you can.

But anyway my point is that since all of the prettiest black women have caucasian features, why not just put the real thing on stage? Instead of putting on a black women who's trying to look caucasian, it makes more sense to just straight up put the caucasian on there.

And I know I'm gonna get down voted and reported for having a different opinion because that's what y'all do around here. But it is, what it is. So please if you disagree with me, attack the argument not the messenger.
On topic :
Beautiful, :ohlawd:

I'm about this Computer Science and Engineering life.
Might have to see what's up with her :sas2:
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