Cynical Thoughts
All Star
What woman goes around telling random people what goes on during her pregnancy checkups (especially to random men who are not the father).
A woman who you could pay to look into her a$$hole.

What woman goes around telling random people what goes on during her pregnancy checkups (especially to random men who are not the father).
Na I got it and some what agree, just thought it was funny.
You are right, I will never birth a baby, that's why I used examples of what I have seen and people who are close to me.
I also stated just cause its a man don't mean he gets a pass. If he is able to exercise anything while injured he should(broke arm , workout your legs). I'm telling you these women act like they are handicapped or injured when their only set back is a baby belly. You telling me, more healthy pregnant women dont sit and eat junk food verses eating healthy and staying active during the capable months?
You can't walk, you can't do light cardio? If I cared enough I would google it. But we can agree to disagree.
Here you go breh. Didn't know she was wit Tyga
Strippers everwhere are gonnaoff of this now.
Tyga lost. what type of nygga wifes up a ratched stripper?I will never understand for the life of me how nyggaz could handcuff a bytch that shakes her azz butt naked for other nyggaz. This golddiggin broad was just lookin for a simp to save her for life, and Tyga was the lucky man. This bytch has ratched written all over her. Thigh tatts, fake azz, super long blonde weave, face piercings. Ratched X3! But fucc it, If Tyga knows what he's gettin into, then hey!
I've personally known four pregnant women in my life (three out of the four did not have healthy eating habits before they got pregnant). All of them (besided the one who passed a week after birth) went back to their pre-prenancy weight withgn 6 to 9 months. Of course they were all different sizes from the beginning. I seen other pregnant women, but I have no idea what was going on in their pregnancy because I am not familar with them in that sense. I can not and will not use four women to generalize all women.
Also, if you read the post you just quoted, it says that they can do walking and light jogging. However, I wouldn't suddenly expect women who didn't workout before to do it while they are pregnant.
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How is her ass so huge?![]()
I havev to say this Ross GIF has to be one of the funniest I've ever seen in Coli. He looks like Kamala the Ugandan giants twin brother.
Hate? She's fat. How is that hating? If someone calls a short guy short it's not hating. It's the truth. if someone calls a retarded kid retarded it's not hating. It's the truth. She's fat. I don't hate on her. I actually thought she WAS sexy. I didn't even know she was with Tyga.
Here you go breh. Didn't know she was wit Tyga
Strippers everwhere are gonnaoff of this now.