Black-Asian Solidarity Panel currently streaming live


Speak like a child
Apr 30, 2012
Bay Area/Chicago

I've always wondered about this myself.

I hate it when I see people on this site generalize about other minorities, black people and women, and throw around slurs. Dont you realize that's what racists have been doing to us for centuries? And then you turn around and do it yourself... like Kendrick said "Hypocrite!!!"

They call white people evil and then turn around and do the same practices they did, ie generalize and degrade people for no reason other than their amusement and to make themselves feel superior. Logically, doesnt that make you evil? You must practice what you preach

I wont lie, sometimes I say and do things that are hypocritical myself, but then I recant and think about what I said. I even try not to prejudge whites these days, because that would mean just lowering myself to the level of white racism in America, and I know Im too smart to stoop to their level. I mean, I dont trust whites right away when I meet them (I dont trust people period), but I try not to hold prejudices. Its a struggle though...

Honestly the people on here who do it, and are serious in their beliefs, are no better than the racist whites they claim to hate.

I mean seriously, how hard is it to have an open mind and consciously hold back prejudices?

Im tired of you damn "everybody would love each other if we all work together" ass negros, it does not work and will never work. With asians you either have the white washed, im only asian because of my skin ones, or the ones that immigrate from other places and play "good minority" while pushing out blacks in jobs and housing wherever they can. The few that are not in those two groups are still benefit off what the other two do. The same could be said for other non-whites that are in America. I have no time for "we are the world", "i have a dream", "cant we all just get along?" dummies while the reality of the situation spits at that mindset. I hope you have a open mind if you ever get dealt with by some trigger happy cop or civilian, because they wont


This account was for entertainment purposes only.
Jun 16, 2013
Im tired of you damn "everybody would love each other if we all work together" ass negros, it does not work and will never work. With asians you either have the white washed, im only asian because of my skin ones, or the ones that immigrate from other places and play "good minority" while pushing out blacks in jobs and housing wherever they can. The few that are not in those two groups are still benefit off what the other two do. The same could be said for other non-whites that are in America. I have no time for "we are the world", "i have a dream", "cant we all just get along?" dummies while the reality of the situation spits at that mindset. I hope you have a open mind if you ever get dealt with by some trigger happy cop or civilian, because they wont

These sucks ever learn. Ultimately we have no friends.


Feb 12, 2015

I've always wondered about this myself.

I hate it when I see people on this site generalize about other minorities, black people and women, and throw around slurs. Dont you realize that's what racists have been doing to us for centuries? And then you turn around and do it yourself... like Kendrick said "Hypocrite!!!"

They call white people evil and then turn around and do the same practices they did, ie generalize and degrade people for no reason other than their amusement and to make themselves feel superior. Logically, doesnt that make you evil? You must practice what you preach

I wont lie, sometimes I say and do things that are hypocritical myself, but then I recant and think about what I said. I even try not to prejudge whites these days, because that would mean just lowering myself to the level of white racism in America, and I know Im too smart to stoop to their level. I mean, I dont trust whites right away when I meet them (I dont trust people period), but I try not to hold prejudices. Its a struggle though...

Honestly the people on here who do it, and are serious in their beliefs, are no better than the racist whites they claim to hate.

I mean seriously, how hard is it to have an open mind and consciously hold back prejudices?

Because being open minded and accepting has worked out so fukking well for us so far right? :mjlol:

You docile, submissive "We are the world" negros are a cancer to the Black race. Always have been. Always will be. Go fuk yourself


All Star
May 13, 2012
Kalamazoo, MI #ADOS
Haven't made it all the way through with video but the brother there was making some excellent points. I'll post some more thoughts later.


All Star
May 6, 2015
Because being open minded and accepting has worked out so fukking well for us so far right? :mjlol:

You docile, submissive "We are the world" negros are a cancer to the Black race. Always have been. Always will be. Go fuk yourself

Black people are the ONLY race of people that does this shyt. It's fukking nauseating.:snoop:


A genius is the one most like himself
Aug 5, 2013
Bout to head to the gym. I'll watch this later.


Visions of $
Sep 12, 2014
No Bammer Weed and Mephisto with the usual antics I see.

I want everyone else who isn't a c00n or an undercover racist to remember Richard Aoki, the Asian 'Black Panther' who talked all this same 'solidarity' shyt back in the 1960s. Supplied the Panthers with guns, showed up to the rallies, all that. Well come out to find out, guess what? dude was an FBI informant.

Now here we are, fifty-plus years later and they're trying to sell us on this solidarity shyt again. It's funny that the group most known for propping up liquor stores, nail shops and greasy food spots in black areas would call for 'solidarity' as if we haven't already shown it by throwing our money and our POWER at you for decades while getting disrespect and the occasional fake smile in return.

'Solidarity' is the last thing black folks need. Let's not fall for the mistakes of our fathers and grandfathers by trusting people who have proven over time that their primary interest in us is exploitation.


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Stir Fry

Dipped in Sauce
Mar 1, 2015
Richard Aoki was Japanese, and the nail shop & liquor store owners everybody hates are predominantly Korean. I'm not saying the Chinese are above fukkery either (no race is) but Mao Zedong was very much for black civil rights and the Black Panthers borrowed heavily from his philosophies.


African American liberation movement leader Robert F. Williams speaks at Tienanmen with Mao Zedong

An American Negro leader now taking refuge in Cuba, Mr. Robert Williams, the former President of the Monroe, North Carolina, Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People, has twice this year asked me for a statement in support of the American Negroes’ struggle against racial discrimmination. I wish to take this opportunity, on behalf of the Chinese people, to express our resolute support for the American Negroes in their struggle against racial discrimmination and for freedom and equal rights.

There are more than nineteen million Negroes in the United States, or about eleven per cent of the total population. Their position in society is one of enslavement, oppression and discrimmination. The overwhelming majority of the Negroes are deprived of their right to vote. On the whole it is only the most back-breaking and most despised jobs that are open to them. Their average wages are only from a third to a half of those of the white people. The ratio of unemployment among them is the highest. In many states they cannot go to the same school, eat at the same table, or travel in the same section of a bus or train with the white people. Negroes are frequently and arbitrarily arrested, beaten up and murdered by U.S. authorities at various levels and members of the Ku Klux Klan and other racists. About half of the American Negroes are concentrated in eleven states in the south of the United States. There, the discrimmination and prosecution they suffer are especially startling.

The Black Belt agricultural region, the historical national territory of the African American Nation

The American Negroes are awakening, and their resistance is growing ever stronger. In recent years the mass struggle of the American Negroes against racial discrimmination and for freedom and equal rights has been constantly developing.

In 1957 the Negro people in Little Rock, Arkansas, waged a fierce struggle against the barring of their children from public schools. The authorities used armed force against them, and there resulted the Little Rock incident which shocked the world.

In 1960 Negroes in more than twenty states held ‘sit in’ demonstrations in protest against racial segregation in local restaurants, shops and other public places.

In 1961 the Negroes launched a campaign of ‘freedom riders’ to oppose racial segregation in transport, a campaign which rapidly extended to many states.

In 1962 the Negroes in Mississippi fought for the equal right to enrol in colleges and were greeted by the authorities with repression which culminated in a blood bath.

This year, the struggle of the American Negroes started in early April in Birmingham, Alabama. Unarmed, bare-handed Negro masses were subjected to wholesale arrests and the most barbarous repression merely because they were holding meetings and parades against racial discrimmination. On 12 June, an extreme was reached with the cruel murder of Mr. Medgar Evers, a leader of the Negro people in Mississippi. These Negro masses, aroused to indignation and undaunted by ruthless violence, carried on their struggles even more courageously and quickly won the support of Negroes and all strata of the people throughout the United States. A gigantic and vigorous nationwide struggle is going on in nearly every state and city in the United States, and the struggle keeps mounting. American Negro organizations have decided to start a ‘freedom march’ on Washington on 28 August, in which 250,000 people will take part.

Huey P. Newton, leader of the Black Panther Party, meets Zhou Enlai in China

The speedy development of the struggle of the American Negroes is a manifestation of the constant sharpening of class struggle and national struggle within the United States; it has been causing increasingly grave anxiety to the U.S. ruling clique. The Kennedy Administration has resorted to cunning two-faced tactics. On the one hand, it continues to connive at and take part in the discrimmination against and persecution of Negroes; it even sends troops to repress them. On the other hand, it is parading as an advocate the ‘defence of human rights’ and the ‘protection of the civil rights of Negroes’, is calling upon the Negro people to exercise ‘restraint’, and is proposing to Congress so-called ‘civil rights legislation’ in an attempt to numb the fighting will of the Negro people and deceive the masses throughout the country. However, these tactics of the Kennedy Administration are being seen through by more and more of the Negroes. The fascist atrocities committed by the U.S. imperialists against the Negro people have laid bare the true nature of the so-called democracy and freedom in the United States and revealed the inner link between the reactionary polices pursued by the U.S. Government at home and its policies of aggression abroad.

I call upon the workers, peasants, revolutionary intellectuals, enlightened elements of the bourgeoisie, and other enlightened personages of all colours in the world, white, black, yellow, brown, etc., to unite to oppose the racial discrimmination practiced by U.S. imperialism and to support the American Negroes in their struggle against racial discrimmination. In the final analysis, a national struggle is a question of class struggle. In the United States, it is only the reactionary ruling clique among the whites which is oppressing the Negro people. They can in no way represent the workers, farmers, revolutionary intellectuals, and other enlightened persons who comprise the overwhelming majority of the white people. At present, it is the handful of imperialists, headed by the United States, and their supporters, the reactionaries in different countries, who are carrying out oppression, aggression and intimidation against the overwhelming majority of the nations and peoples of the world. They are the minority, and we are the majority. At most they make up less than ten percent of the 3,000 million people of the world. I am deeply convinced that, with the support of more than ninety per cent of the people of the world, the just struggle of the American Negroes will certainly be victorious. The evil system of colonialism and imperialism grew on along with the enslavement of the Negroes and the trade in Negroes; it will surely come to its end with the thorough emancipation of the black people.

Fat Kevin

Jul 14, 2014
No Bammer Weed and Mephisto with the usual antics I see.

I want everyone else who isn't a c00n or an undercover racist to remember Richard Aoki, the Asian 'Black Panther' who talked all this same 'solidarity' shyt back in the 1960s. Supplied the Panthers with guns, showed up to the rallies, all that. Well come out to find out, guess what? dude was an FBI informant.

Now here we are, fifty-plus years later and they're trying to sell us on this solidarity shyt again. It's funny that the group most known for propping up liquor stores, nail shops and greasy food spots in black areas would call for 'solidarity' as if we haven't already shown it by throwing our money and our POWER at you for decades while getting disrespect and the occasional fake smile in return.

'Solidarity' is the last thing black folks need. Let's not fall for the mistakes of our fathers and grandfathers by trusting people who have proven over time that their primary interest in us is exploitation.


I read that Richard Akoi was an informant...but there's confusion over this, considering he did a lot for the movement as opposed to what a typical informant would do, plus he laid out his panther uniform before he killed himself