Everybody likes chicken,He’s a c00n for liking chicken? Jesus the white man done poisoned y’all’s mind.
He’s a c00n for liking chicken? Jesus the white man done poisoned y’all’s mind.
Everybody likes chicken,
He c00ning for using his love of chicken to entertain white people.
If he dancing because he is enjoying chicken while white people laugh, then yes he is c00ning. If he dancing at the club like a normal person and not a caricature, then he perfectly fine.Why can’t the man just have fun? If a black person dances he’s gotta look both ways and not do it if he sees white people? I’ve seen people here call anyone a c00n if they’re having too much fun. It’s crazy.
mr rogers poisoned your mindWhy can’t the man just have fun? If a black person dances he’s gotta look both ways and not do it if he sees white people? I’ve seen people here call anyone a c00n if they’re having too much fun. It’s crazy.