I've seen some people say this, and I'm like

. I'm always hearing about black men not appreciating natural hair. I'm just like

Maybe it's my city, but I have seen more non blacks talk smack about natural hair.
No, you're right and the truth extends most everywhere (including my city). Black men like natural hair black and, well, most any type of black women more than non black men. The dilemma that many black men won't approach a black women with the traits you mentioned earlier--including natural hair, soft spoken etc--because the traits signal c00nery and black men are afraid of getting rejected. I, for example, LOVE alternative black girls with septum rings, cool hair, etc. But I always see them alone or..
On the other hand, many black girls can rock their look without giving off too many c00n vibes OR they live in a city with MANY black guys so the scared ones are offset by the brave ones.
I really dislike the septum piercing thing black girls are doing. It's gross. So yeah that's a dealbreaker, you'll only attract old white dudes looking to spice up their life with that.
I love septum piercings but I don't approach black girls with septum piercings because I connote it with c00nery. I assume the girl won't like me so I don't bother.
Now this is a better pic.... the first did no favors... How tall are you?
You look and probably act older than your age. I'd scoop you up because I like tall women...
But then again, I'm 32... close to the age range of men you're trying to avoid.
I think old black guys are different to old white guys. Old white guys never liked black women; they are just now trying to get the lowest hanging fruit because white girls don't like them anymore. Old black guys, on the other hand, have always liked black women and just haven't found the right one yet.