Dirty Mcdrawz
Your girl loves em....
i dont want to be rude and walk away. they usually try to ask me out but i refuse because how tf do i look getting a number from a random man I dont know?

i dont want to be rude and walk away. they usually try to ask me out but i refuse because how tf do i look getting a number from a random man I dont know?
You remind me of![]()
.i attract old cacs and older black men (>35+). why is this?legitamately curious. I'm 20 by the way.
its like pulling teeth to get a male at my hbcu to even notice me or even date methe hours i spend the lab dont help either.
whats even crazier is that older guys approach me ( esp when im alone). they just walk up to me and start talking and im like. i dont want to be rude and walk away. they usually try to ask me out but i refuse because how tf do i look getting a number from a random man I dont know?
old cacs are the worst bc they literally slither up behind you. i had a cac kidney doctor try to buy me breakfast and dinner while i was in coloradoout of fukking nowhere.
How do in change this? i dont understand
tl;dr young guys dont give a shyt about me but old guys do. how do i reverse this?
the imaging upload system on this site sucks lol. I cant put pics on here straight from my phone?
.........like a attractive woman? don't most women ugly or attractive get random numbers from men? is the game not played like that anymore? do they exchange snapchat and instagram handles now?.............i'm lost
i end up hitting them with thei dont know why youre talking to me" lol
Nah sometimes you gotta go for what you want instead of waiting for a guy to read your mind and approach. Introduce yourself, spark up a convo. If you risk lookin like a fool you can always say you at least tried.Yeah don't do it again. It comes off as despreate. Men love to chase. They need to chase you not the other way around.
Foh hermit, why dont you run AT LEAST 2 miles every other day and see how you would last. I promise you you wouldnt have last around the block. nikka getting fat from sitting around in the cabin in the woods, talking about people who actually DO recreation in the mountains, but my lungs aint shyt?your lungs are shyt then. ive never been above sea level and i was fine.
the amount of cacs was uncomfortable but i stayed in a cabin compound in the mountains so i didnt really see anybody.
i dont actually say that out loud lol
its always when im reading or doing something. so inconvenient lol
you're acting like "following a trend" is some egregious offense, we aren't teens any more, we don't have to be afraid of looking like a big, bad conformist
you either don't understand what I wrote or you're intentionally not understanding
I'm not saying the physical act of the piercing is individual, I'm saying when people (especially women) alter their appearance from what the standard is in a way that is not sexual or done to be more physically appealing (like stretching their ears, or piercings that deviate from the cultural standard), people treat it like it's a joke or unnecessary, which is lame
it's literally a hole in skin, so you could do less with assigning politics and identities to people
not being able to see past your own nose![]()
i hiked 2 hours every day up a steep ass mountain (from 9,000 - 12,000 ft above sea level) in the snow to sample data and im a fat nikka sitting in the woods?Foh hermit, why dont you run AT LEAST 2 miles every other day and see how you would last. I promise you you wouldnt have last around the block. nikka getting fat from sitting around in the cabin in the woods, talking about people who actually DO recreation in the mountains, but my lungs aint shyt?![]()