

Living the dream
May 16, 2012
Lord. Please don't listen to any of the advice given in this thread. There is nothing wrong with they way you look. Again, nothing wrong with the way you look. I think you are a cutie.

First, the vast majority of college men are not worth your time. Most of them are just trying to get laid and go for what's easy. Men don't even start to get decent until they hit 24 and that is being generous. When I was in school a total of like 3 guys tried to talk to me out of all 4 years I was there. I was kinda a square lol..go figure. So I thought no one as checking for me either...until I went natural and a friend of mine told me that literally 10 people called to tell him I changed my hair before I even picked up the phone. I was like "WTH I walked 5 blocks from the train to my dorm and in that time frame 10 people called you?":dwillhuh: This was when I began to learn ...:sas1:...that was a God.:sas2:...and been using it to my advantage ever since. Just cause dudes in college aren't checking for you doesn't mean they don't find you attractive. Most are still trying to get their confidence together and get easy p*ssy. It's not personal.

Second, old dudes are trying to holla b/c that is what old dudes do. It has nothing to do with you. You have a vagina. That is good enough. :pachaha:However, if I was you I would be getting those bills paid. But doesn't seen like you are ready for the game yet so don't sweat it.

PS Although I think you are beautiful just the way you are I do agree with the poster that said to get your body right. I say this not b/c there is anything wrong with you, but being attractive just brings you a better quality of life and a better quality of potential mates. The way men treat a beautiful woman vs the way they treat a women they think is just okay is astounding. I have stories for days.

PSS Many men love women of your size.

Switch the first bolded sentence out with the second...

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
You're a stripper with no education or morals, and whom thrives on lovely desperate men. You wouldn't mind if old losers hit on you because that's your job anyway. Anyway, if many men "loved her", she would be getting dust like she is now. If you got dust in college--if you ever went, which is unlikely--you are one ugly stripper. Alternatively you might have carried a :mpls: and so certain men avoided you.

All that said, OP wants to get college aged men, not the drunk losers who drop 5s on you and forget you exist 3 hours later.

You know nothing John Snowballs...:troll:.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012

Someone was talking about the chris.b thread and i read the whole thing when i was on the bus ride up my internship.

pls go
Yeah get rid of that septum, every pic you've posted since that 1st one looks better than the last.

This is a pretty ingenious way to "introduce yourself" to the coli tho

Like I said you aren't ugly, just add a little flair to your style and your golden.
Jul 26, 2012
Lord. Please don't listen to any of the advice given in this thread. There is nothing wrong with they way you look. Again, nothing wrong with the way you look. I think you are a cutie.

First, the vast majority of college men are not worth your time. Most of them are just trying to get laid and go for what's easy. Men don't even start to get decent until they hit 24 and that is being generous. When I was in school a total of like 3 guys tried to talk to me out of all 4 years I was there. I was kinda a square lol..go figure. So I thought no one as checking for me either...until I went natural and a friend of mine told me that literally 10 people called to tell him I changed my hair before I even picked up the phone. I was like "WTH I walked 5 blocks from the train to my dorm and in that time frame 10 people called you?":dwillhuh: This was when I began to learn ...:sas1:...that was a God.:sas2:...and been using it to my advantage ever since. Just cause dudes in college aren't checking for you doesn't mean they don't find you attractive. Most are still trying to get their confidence together and get easy p*ssy. It's not personal.

Second, old dudes are trying to holla b/c that is what old dudes do. It has nothing to do with you. You have a vagina. That is good enough. :pachaha:However, if I was you I would be getting those bills paid. But doesn't seen like you are ready for the game yet so don't sweat it.

PS Although I think you are beautiful just the way you are I do agree with the poster that said to get your body right. I say this not b/c there is anything wrong with you, but being attractive just brings you a better quality of life and a better quality of potential mates. The way men treat a beautiful woman vs the way they treat a women they think is just okay is astounding. I have stories for days.

PSS Many men love women of your size.

That was actually very lucid and sound advice.... :salute: