So he kept lying about his weight loss being linked to some new diet...
We all knew that was a lie, but why lie?
This is a result of when the Church becomes moreso focused on the pastors and less focused on the Word.
You replace the altar with a stage and a Service looks more like a concert.
The power becomes "look at how God has
blessed the pastor, the must be power in this church"
I know Christians that never quote the Bible, they can quote everything their pastor has told them.
"My pastor said.... and my pastor says..." etc.
So knowing all of this, for him to admit that he was dying of cancer would, in the eyes of his parishioners, be some sort of indicator that he has fallen out of favor with God.
Despite the fact that even the holiest men in the Bible got sick and died, but then again that's prosperity preaching for you
However, with what we know about
Bishop(lol) Long... he does not deserve to be in the same sentence with the word holy...
And that's all I say about that