so did Kane lose the election then? serious question
That was Tony's greatest weakness.... he didn't have a solid crew. Other than Silvio he constantly had to deal with his family fukkery along with his crew's fukkery, no wonder he was in therapyHe was a fukk up but he had incredible loyalty, no one else would have done what he done for Tony.
They couldn't have had people in their lives telling them that Black is Beautiful regardless of what society, the media, anyone has to say about itI honestly didn't know Foxxy was on that wave. I knew Cameron was but somehow I missed that about Alicia. I know it's hard out here for us darker skinned girls but internalizing all that will have you out here looking all kinds of crazy and *still* feeling insecure.
It's whole Youtube channels devoted to lightening routines and I'm just like![]()
Its the one match that could shake up some shyt. Imagine the reaction if Rusev gets the victory and win the titleIt's the match at extreme rules I'm most looking forward to![]()
Lol@ASUKA getting the top spot at the hour...poor AJ...and we know Bryan gets the main event spots.AJ not even treated like the top guy on his own show and people wonder why he not main eventing PPVs
One of the best characters, flaws and all.
It was gold every time he and Paulie got together.
I need them to remix Aiden's singing schtick one timeAiden jumpin in like Hitman Holla's brother![]()