Birds are man made creatures that are used to spy on us


You will be trolled
May 13, 2015
You are a horrible, google-educated scientist then. Literally, the first three links from what you told me to google state exactly what I said: the birds do not have a path to ground.

Link 1.Do Birds Get Shocked When They Sit on Wires?

"If the bird would touch the ground while sitting on the wire or flap its wings and touch another electric wire with a different voltage, then it would getshocked and likely die byelectrocution. This is because its body would become a path for the electricityto reach either the ground (no voltage) or a place with a different voltage(another wire at a different voltage, for example). This is why power lines tend to be high in the air with plenty of space between the wires!"

Link 2. Why is it that birds are able to stand/sit on electrical power lines whereas if we were to try this, we would be electrocuted?

"When a bird sits on a wire and the electrons reach the part of the wire where the bird is sitting, the electrons have two options. They could go through the bird's feet and encounter a large amount of resistance or they could go through the metal. All metals are conductors which means that electrons flow through them easily. Because it is easier to travel through the metal instead, the electrons don't go through the birds feet, so the bird stays safe.

The same thing would happen if a person sat on a wire and the electrons would go through the wire instead of through the person. If, however, the person reached out to a tree or anything else connected with the ground, there is a new path of lower resistance and the electrons would go through the person to the ground, electrocuting him."

3.Would you die if you put your hands on a powerline?

"Hanging from a power line you should be as safe as a bird.

The voltage difference is between the lines (e.g. in a 3-phase system) and between the line and ground. This voltage difference exists across the insulators and pole, as well as through the air to ground. These voltage differences are obviously small enough to avoid striking an arc, hence no current flows between the lines or between line and ground. If you are hanging from one line, there is no change in the separation between the lines (unless you are swinging wildly) and hence again no current flows between the lines. As the distance between the lines will usually be smaller than that between your feet and the ground, again no current will flow, and you will be safe. Note that, if this distance were too small, you would not be safe standing under the line either!

Your real problem will be to get down from the line. Unless someone can switch of the power, you will need to touch both the line and the pole. If the pole is wood you should be OK, but a metal mast will kill you as you will then have a path for the current to flow (from the wire, through your body and the mast)."

Bonus Link 4. Why Aren’t Bird Electrocuted When They Perch On Power Lines?

"Like all energy, electricity seeks equilibrium, or balance. That means electricity will flow from high-energy areas to areas of less energy, always using the path of least resistance. So if the bird has one foot on our original wire, and the other foot on, for example, the ground or on a different wire with less voltage, the bird would be electrocuted. The electricity would pass through the bird on its way from the high-voltage line to the lower-voltage line or the ground.

But as long as both of the bird’s feet are on the same wire (or wires of the same voltage), the bird is safe. The current doesn’t have anywhere else to go, so the electricity won’t pass through the bird–it stays on the path of least resistance, the wire.

Don’t Try This At Home!
This would work for humans, too–if you were to hang suspended from one of these wires, you wouldn’t be electrocuted, as long as you didn’t get too close to anything else, like a telephone pole or the ground. But don’t try this experiment at home! If you want proof, just look up at the birds on the wires!"
lol made you look! electrons have no physical form and therefore can never be hollow, which everyone knows! :lolbron:


May 1, 2012
Lol na breh.

Electricity flows through a closed loop. A human can hang from the power lines with both arms and not get electrocuted because there is no path from the power lines to the ground. Now if you get on a ladder or a lineman's truck, and touch the power lines, you will kill yourself because there is a path to ground.

Electrical engineer here
I'm amazed you had to explain what a ground wire is to him lol.