Birdman got pastors out here talkin bout respek


Jun 9, 2012
Demetrius said:
Doesn't that contradict Romans 12:2 about not conforming to the ways of the world. Especially to preach the gospel?

In my own opinion? No. There's a story in the Bible about Lot's wife who was rescued by angels from the sinful cities of Sodom and Gommorah. She was warned not to "look back" once she left...ultimately she did and was turned into a pillar of salt. Some would interpret this to mean that fixating on a previous sinful lifestyle can bring about personal ruin. Now if I was trying to relay that message to some young street cats, I may use an example of a drug dealer leaving the game, then deciding to go back to get one last score and getting picked up by the feds. Would that be "conforming to the world" because I used an example outside of the bible to relay the same message or just using a relatable example to fit the audience I'm talking to? Its debatable but I see nothing wrong with pastors doing that.

Demetrius said:
You confusing outrage and stupidity. I think it's dumb to follow any slave religon and metaphysical sand script that has done nothing for you.

This is why it's faux outrage. Are you really upset about a pastor using some random pop culture saying during a sermon or is it the religion itself you have a problem with? Just be upfront about it. The same pastor could stick 100 percent to biblical examples and delivered a tear jerking sermon that changed people's lives and people would still be on some "people still listening to some slave master's fairytale in 2016?" type shyt.