Bird Box | Trailer Netflix (12/21, Sandra Bullock, John Malkovich, Sarah Paulson, Trevante Rhodes)


Nov 18, 2016
I had a problem with them using the fate of children for emotional heft and weight in the latter half of the movie.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Didn't like it. The premise is great but the execution was meh as hell. Sandra and Trevante did their thing and deserved a better movie to be in. In fact, their relationship was one of the only things I believed in the movies and probably the best part about it. But the structure of the movie robbed any suspense from it:francis:


Dec 6, 2015
netflix bought an unfinished script n rushed it out. this couldve been alot better. 6/10 for keepin me engaged enough til that bullshyt ending.


Staff member
May 1, 2012
I feel like people are hating on this movie because of how big the discussion and memes have gotten on social media for it. I don't really get people saying it's overhyped because this isn't like a typical blockbuster with some crazy budget. I never saw a trailer for this movie. There wasn't some huge media push, I didn't see nothing for this until my boy tagged me in a post on Facebook and asked for my opinion on it.

With that said, I went in with minimal expectations and I was pleased. I didn't think it was the GOAT movie or anything, but now that I see so many people calling it trash or mediocre I just hit the...

That's why you shouldn't really let other people shape your opinion before you check something out yourself. My take on the film below, I just basically wrote what I got from it and gave my perspective. I've seen a lot of people trashing it because "nothing was explained"...

Here we go:
The creatures/monsters were people's demons or internal fears visualized. The storytelling explained this through various character's dialog throughout the movie. Rel's character broke it down in the beginning when he was describing the end times... how everybody sees it as something else, but this is "it" per se.

The white dude with the bald head alludes that the psychological effects that the people were displaying (mass suicides) was caused by chemical warfare, specifically psychocemical warfare... See below:

"Psychochemical warfare involves the use of psychopharmacological agents (mind-altering drugs or chemicals) with the intention of incapacitating an adversary through the temporary induction of hallucinations or delirium. These agents have generally been considered chemical weapons and, more narrowly, constitute a specific type of incapacitating agent. Although never developed into an effective weapons system, psychochemical warfare theory and research -- along with overlapping mind control drug research -- was secretly pursued in the mid-20th century by the US military and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the context of the Cold War. These research programs were ended when they came to light and generated controversy in the 1970s. The degree to which the Soviet Union developed or deployed similar agents during the same period remains largely unknown."

The beginning of the movie also provides context to the chemical warfare aspect, because the news was reporting cases of this happening in Russia, which is known for doing this kind of research since the Cold War as a way of having a trump card on the US if things ever went that far...

Those who weren't effected were... the mentally ill (they already have visions/hallucinations and are battling their demons), the blind and pregnant women. The man that Olympia's goofy ass let in was clearly not right. He gives a story about how he made it to the house, and he says, that a group of mental patients were forcing people to look and see what was out there, and he somehow escaped... and made it to the house without a blindfold on. His story sounded like bullshyt when I heard it, so I knew he was with the shyts.

I say that pregnant women weren't effected either, because dude waited until they both gave birth before he tried to make them see outside. Olympia also, made it to the house without a blindfold when she was pregnant, but after her daughter was born, she threw herself out the window.

I'll leave it at that, but essentially, I don't agree with the notion that the movie didn't explain the events that happened. They didn't spoon feed us, but they gave us tidbits along the way, and I was entertained and felt the suspense from the jump.

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Apr 6, 2014
So I'm here at my mom's house and she watching this movie. I don't remember the couple when the first get in the house. The man with the blue jacket and the woman with the tan jacket


May 7, 2012
I feel like people are hating on this movie because of how big the discussion and memes have gotten on social media for it. I don't really get people saying it's overhyped because this isn't like a typical blockbuster with some crazy budget. I never saw a trailer for this movie. There wasn't some huge media push, I didn't see nothing for this until my boy tagged me in a post on Facebook and asked for my opinion on it.

With that said, I went in with minimal expectations and I was pleased. I didn't think it was the GOAT movie or anything, but now that I see so many people calling it trash or mediocre I just hit the...

That's why you shouldn't really let other people shape your opinion before you check something out yourself. My take on the film below, I just basically wrote what I got from it and gave my perspective. I've seen a lot of people trashing it because "nothing was explained"...

Here we go:
The creatures/monsters were people's demons or internal fears visualized. The storytelling explained this through various character's dialog throughout the movie. Rel's character broke it down in the beginning when he was describing the end times... how everybody sees it as something else, but this is "it" per se.

The white dude with the bald head alludes that the psychological effects that the people were displaying (mass suicides) was caused by chemical warfare, specifically psychocemical warfare... See below:

"Psychochemical warfare involves the use of psychopharmacological agents (mind-altering drugs or chemicals) with the intention of incapacitating an adversary through the temporary induction of hallucinations or delirium. These agents have generally been considered chemical weapons and, more narrowly, constitute a specific type of incapacitating agent. Although never developed into an effective weapons system, psychochemical warfare theory and research -- along with overlapping mind control drug research -- was secretly pursued in the mid-20th century by the US military and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the context of the Cold War. These research programs were ended when they came to light and generated controversy in the 1970s. The degree to which the Soviet Union developed or deployed similar agents during the same period remains largely unknown."

The beginning of the movie also provides context to the chemical warfare aspect, because the news was reporting cases of this happening in Russia, which is known for doing this kind of research since the Cold War as a way of having a trump card on the US if things ever went that far...

Those who weren't effected were... the mentally ill (they already have visions/hallucinations and are battling their demons), the blind and pregnant women. The man that Olympia's goofy ass let in was clearly not right. He gives a story about how he made it to the house, and he says, that a group of mental patients were forcing people to look and see what was out there, and he somehow escaped... and made it to the house without a blindfold on. His story sounded like bullshyt when I heard it, so I knew he was with the shyts.

I say that pregnant women weren't effected either, because dude waited until they both gave birth before he tried to make them see outside. Olympia also, made it to the house without a blindfold when she was pregnant, but after her daughter was born, she threw herself out the window.

I'll leave it at that, but essentially, I don't agree with the notion that the movie didn't explain the events that happened. They didn't spoon feed us, but they gave us tidbits along the way, and I was entertained and felt the suspense from the jump.

Why isn’t this getting more comparisons to a quiet place (which is a better movie) but some of the same issues That movie had this one definitely has


Staff member
May 1, 2012
Why isn’t this getting more comparisons to a quiet place (which is a better movie) but some of the same issues That movie had this one definitely has
The funny thing is... my friend who asked for my opinion wanted my take on which film was better.

I actually watched A Quiet Place after Bird Box. And I think that A Quiet Place actually explains a lot LESS when you compare it to Bird Box. With A Quiet Place, all they gave you were scraps from newspapers, documentation, random notes and your imagination as to what happened. Which is fine, but I don't recall people calling that movie trash all over social media or complaining about the writers not spelling everything out for them.

Hearing aides save the humanity!!!

I liked Bird Box better honestly. Everything just clicked for me when I watched it.

Another movie that it is the same realm as these 2 is Annihilation which went under the radar for a lot of people. AND that movie was trippy af, and the ending for that film doesn't really give the audience complete closure either... but it didn't get ripped like Bird Box.

Bird Box is getting unnecessary hate cause of how much attention it's garnered online since it's dropped... and the only reason so many people chiming on on this film is because of it's accessibility (EVERYBODY HAS ACCESS TO NETFLIX). I guarantee you, if A Quiet Place or Annihilation were Netflix releases, people would be bytching about the endings for those movies as well.

I enjoyed all of them brehs

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