‘Biracial’ Woman Is Mad She Can’t Enter A Black Woman Gaming Tournament. Update: Her Indo-Caribbean Grandparents Exposed


All Star
Feb 27, 2013
The Souf
That tanned white woman would look like the woman in the OP.

If the tanned woman is often mistaken for black by white people and treated as a black woman and she approached them respectfully on some "I'm not genetically black but I'm told that I look black and I want to contribute in some way because I believe in what yall are doing" it would be a different response.

White people who grew up around black people and have black family members don't even pop off like this. They recognize the place they hold in the community and have enough respect for the community they've been accepted in to fall back if they're told "nah you can't be in this. It's no disrespect but you wouldn't understand" they have enough respect for black people and our struggles to know when they should fall back.

This woman is a clout chaser who didnt even post the full text response she got which actually looked very nuanced and acknowledged how unfair it must feel to her being rejected, but ultimately standing on what's best for the community. Chances are, they even reviewed her application with other members of the group and they all agreed that she shouldn't be let in.

Whenever white people encounter a fraction of the disrespect we get systematically and personally they react like this. Like their outrage matters and that something should be done about the group that wronged them because historically, that's how whiteness functioned in this society. This is ESPECIALLY true for white women. Many fathers, brothers and sons were killed horrifically and still are because of an angry white woman slandering them. The fact that she doesn't have the awareness to even recognize that as she whines for sympathy completely justifies the group keeping her out. She's not like us.

This is exactly it. As soon as she didn’t get her way the inherent Karen flew out of her and shes trying to sic the masses on the black women to show how black people can be just as racist. Then to have some throw on the cape and even imply it’s because she’s attractive. So what are they really saying? :jbhmm:

Her replies are telling and questionable also


All Star
Feb 27, 2013
The Souf
If you can’t do it without figuring out how to sound like an out of touch activist loser with grad-student lingo with simple invitations, then no. You can’t.

Openly bragging about having “black women’s spaces” isn’t how you curate black women’s spaces. You do that silently, like everyone else who is serious does this.
Even if they were “inclusive” on paper you don’t think somebody with sense would notice that only black women were allowed? Just like how it doesn’t take rocket science for black people to notice when they are being excluded purposefully?

Asking why the only way for black people to have anything only if it’s palpable for whites is a question that white people need to ask themselves, not us.


Mar 11, 2022
'Cuse, New York
Thread is wild. Black community has always had a problem with colorism and it looks like that will never go away. Sad. I feel bad for that chicks, must feel like a slap in the face, especially when one parent is truly black.
Okay, and Black people with two full Black parents don't have it easy in life either, if not worse, so why should she or, hypothetically speaking, a biracial/mixed individual be afforded that luxury?


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Even if they were “inclusive” on paper you don’t think somebody with sense would notice that only black women were allowed? Just like how it doesn’t take rocket science for black people to notice when they are being excluded purposefully?

Asking why the only way for black people to have anything only if it’s palpable for whites is a question that white people need to ask themselves, not us.
Yeah. Thats why you don’t advertise that you’re doing visual tests on people. Thats why I’m mocking their stupidity.

You do it without telling anyone.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
If I'm the leader, yes. She is black. Shes an absolute fukking c00n but she needs to be educated or at least attempted to be educated.
As far as her husband, and half breed demon off seeds. Absolutely not, they can wait in the car when it's 16 degrees in February til we done.

Just because everyone else is successful while doing it that way doesn't mean it's the only way it can or has to be done. I'm not saying it isn't smart or wise to do it that way. But we tend to find out how to do things that work for us on our own.


Candace started in hiphop.

She could have used her college education to be forthright and showcase knowledge of self. Yet choose to be covert c00n adjacent. Plus sell her soul to the highest bidder.

Sohh she completely disqualified herself in every regard as being black culturally. She is rhe misappropriated meaning if African American. That black people are resistant to being label as.

She is not black. As being black allides to having some idea or recognition of black nationalism.
of which she souled't out to the hgihest white bixder. Plus her loins.
she gave to the highest white bidder as well.
When Candace owens got her start from the rap business and shpuld have some allegiance to being black. Not a covert culture thief c00n.

What is does being black “culturally” even mean? Are we talking black American culturally are we talking about African cultures, Haitian, Jamaican? There is no one black culture and even in america black Americans have different cultures. I think the real deal that’s happened is that gender has eclipsed race politics for the overwhelming majority of black woman today and as a result we see what we see and as black America becomes more immigrant infused it’s only gonna get worse and worse.

You are trying to conflate black for afro American.

Any one from an island descent culturally will pick a side.

As to align culturally with being and illustrating being black.
or, alternatively being afro American.

Any Latin immigrant who cosign with being black. Go above and beyond to say they are afro Latina.

They don't play side stepping Stephen fetch it games with black nationalism culturally.


A Dominican who is black. Will adamantly say they are black. While alternatively in genrral Dominicans will mever say they are black. Then play regional games. Like I am not Haitian. Which Insinutates they are not and do not identify with being black. They identify with that of their white or Latin oppressor.

I have high personal standards and dont condone a lot of things that people claim that I’m supposed to support.

I’m not a conservative though. You’re trying to accuse me of being Candace Owens.

I can't tell tho.
You so militant.
Just for starters.

Where are your reviews.
of any material like that.
in just rap for starters.
Plus if you was so culturally fluid.

You would be k own for promoting knowledge of self and artist like that. Yet you are not known here for that at all. You are known here for being culturally divisive. Which Is rooted in. Being a culture thief typs shyt.

You can't fool me breh.

Get real. Sumfin you not really real at.

Art Barr
Sep 15, 2015
Thread is wild. Black community has always had a problem with colorism and it looks like that will never go away. Sad. I feel bad for that chicks, must feel like a slap in the face, especially when one parent is truly black.
You feel sorry for someone who fosters a twitch community that says shyt like this?


This is a white British woman trolling.


Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Hispanic/Latino is not a race. They can look white as hell or black or even Asian in many cases

They are white.

Only in america.
Is race broken down to the 1681 definition.

In the world they are white. As a matter of fact. Worldwide. Rhe only people considered white are black Americans and Somalian.

After test you have to individually check other people who have our skin tone. As white is imaginary caste system.
that originally indian people subscribe too. That goes beyond skin color.
It has just been comflated and miscostrued over time.
to include people who misappropriate the term. To now be gateway synompus with a what would be labeled by them as a Caucasian hue.

That is why black exists as this thing. As anyone who is white. Is white by actual cognitive choice. Plus relished in that as well.
Which goes even. Beyond skin color.
Only in america is race broken down further by the 1681 ideal. The rest of the world except black American and Somalian all consider themselves white. Plus and illustrate colonizer behavior and or are governed by colonizer like behavior as well. Regardless of skin tone.
As white is a caste. Which is imaginary. Yet so perverted over time. It has assailed. assaulted and been a scourge. To all life on earth.

Art Barr


XBOT Suicide Prevention Squad
Jan 24, 2015
Cali Crew
I mean, what’s the criteria? Are we going by racial percentage or purely phenotype? Because I’ve met people who are 1/4 or 1/8 black who have undeniably black features. And I’ve met biracial people who could pass as white. :yeshrug:
:hubie:Speaking as someone who got banned on here for being a "cac" due to light skin and had to actually hit up an admin on twitter to prove that I was actually black by sending a family photo...

There ain't no criteria, mixed nikkas stay getting discriminated against :sadcam:

[edit] for clarification, I ain't white. I am part hispanic, part black. :manny: Like Hurricane J and Rico 2 Smoove

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