If I'm the leader, yes. She is black. Shes an absolute fukking c00n but she needs to be educated or at least attempted to be educated.
As far as her husband, and half breed demon off seeds. Absolutely not, they can wait in the car when it's 16 degrees in February til we done.
Just because everyone else is successful while doing it that way doesn't mean it's the only way it can or has to be done. I'm not saying it isn't smart or wise to do it that way. But we tend to find out how to do things that work for us on our own.
Candace started in hiphop.
She could have used her college education to be forthright and showcase knowledge of self. Yet choose to be covert c00n adjacent. Plus sell her soul to the highest bidder.
Sohh she completely disqualified herself in every regard as being black culturally. She is rhe misappropriated meaning if African American. That black people are resistant to being label as.
She is not black. As being black allides to having some idea or recognition of black nationalism.
of which she souled't out to the hgihest white bixder. Plus her loins.
she gave to the highest white bidder as well.
When Candace owens got her start from the rap business and shpuld have some allegiance to being black. Not a covert culture thief c00n.
What is does being black “culturally” even mean? Are we talking black American culturally are we talking about African cultures, Haitian, Jamaican? There is no one black culture and even in america black Americans have different cultures. I think the real deal that’s happened is that gender has eclipsed race politics for the overwhelming majority of black woman today and as a result we see what we see and as black America becomes more immigrant infused it’s only gonna get worse and worse.
You are trying to conflate black for afro American.
Any one from an island descent culturally will pick a side.
As to align culturally with being and illustrating being black.
or, alternatively being afro American.
Any Latin immigrant who cosign with being black. Go above and beyond to say they are afro Latina.
They don't play side stepping Stephen fetch it games with black nationalism culturally.
A Dominican who is black. Will adamantly say they are black. While alternatively in genrral Dominicans will mever say they are black. Then play regional games. Like I am not Haitian. Which Insinutates they are not and do not identify with being black. They identify with that of their white or Latin oppressor.
I have high personal standards and dont condone a lot of things that people claim that I’m supposed to support.
I’m not a conservative though. You’re trying to accuse me of being Candace Owens.
I can't tell tho.
You so militant.
Just for starters.
Where are your reviews.
of any material like that.
in just rap for starters.
Plus if you was so culturally fluid.
You would be k own for promoting knowledge of self and artist like that. Yet you are not known here for that at all. You are known here for being culturally divisive. Which Is rooted in. Being a culture thief typs shyt.
You can't fool me breh.
Get real. Sumfin you not really real at.
Art Barr