It was gay back then too
I meant, I was a little kid & didn't see that
It was gay back then too
they were crazy over I remember so I can see why he so confident about saying that, but they really just rode the DX hype train
Nah, man, they WERE DX. Everyone was quoting the New Age Outlaws & buying Road Dogg's shirts, kids were doing the crotch chop/X-Pac's jumping crotch chop, Chyna was more over than most of the male wrestlers (NONE of these are something to be proud of but that's how it was). If anyone rode the DX hype train it was HHH.
Nah, man, they WERE DX. Everyone was quoting the New Age Outlaws & buying Road Dogg's shirts, kids were doing the crotch chop/X-Pac's jumping crotch chop, Chyna was more over than most of the male wrestlers (NONE of these are something to be proud of but that's how it was). If anyone rode the DX hype train it was HHH.
maybe you forget 1997-WM14
HHH? no i think you mean they all rode the goats coattails, HBK made DX, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn owe him money for letting some scrubs get some shine during this period. HBK doing what he does best carry bums to success.Nah, man, they WERE DX. Everyone was quoting the New Age Outlaws & buying Road Dogg's shirts, kids were doing the crotch chop/X-Pac's jumping crotch chop, Chyna was more over than most of the male wrestlers (NONE of these are something to be proud of but that's how it was). If anyone rode the DX hype train it was HHH.