it wuz a lot less crime and hare care producks back in dose days.
back den murica wuz pieceful and trooly won nayshun unda god. da cibil rites moovment chainge all dat. dass when bla raciss began to davide murica wit dere hateful marksiss retarick. dey condishion whies to feel ashame uh murica and its tradishions and valyoos.
whies are now confoosed and fryten uh bein called raciss weneva dey speek da troof about blas lack uh moruh caracta. da sikey uh da whie man has been destroy by bla suppemasy. blas have strip dem uh dere kulture, identitty and relijion and broken up dey famlee bonds. it will prolly take sevral sentries fuh dem to rekover.