Oh really breh? Who's winning the legislative battles against evolution in American schools then? Evolution deniers/hardline creationists or "hordes of atheists"?
All you need to do is take a look at the news to see that your perception isnt right.
I cant say the same for other parts of the world, I havent looked into it enough.
I agree evangelicals have way too much power in america cuz they're almost a cult imo. But are there any public high schools outside of the bible belt that actually teach creationism? I dont think so. Their politicians just talk about it and fight for it on the news all the time cuz they're brainwashed by their cult.
Naw...I just believe if you believe mystic fairy tales in some fiction novel, you're a mumbling drooling retard.
Might as well worship this shyt:
Well in the post I quoted u said if u believe in God you're a mumbling drooling retard (so you include agnostics).
And you pointed to all of the religous communities as proof.
99% of all religious communities promote peace n good shyt, only a small percentage of people in those religions use them as an EXCUSE to do bad shyt. That's HUMANS doing bad shyt, NOT religions, nor do those religions promote that behaviour. HUMANS twist religions into their own needs. If not religion, it would be something else. That's human nature.
I don't give a fukk wut people choose to believe or not. But to condemn religions for the actions of few is ignorant.
I don't believe everything in the books (bible/quran etc.) but that doesn't mean I cant follow their teachings when their message is to live your life in a highly moral, positive way.
Following teachings of a religion, doesn't mean you believe it all happened exactly the way it is said in the book, you believe in
THE MESSAGE of the story. It means you follow the teachings of those stories, which happen to all strive to make you a better person. It doesn't mean you have to blindly believe in those words in a literal way, that's extremely simple thinking.
So yeah, to say following any religion makes you a mumbling drooling retard when those religions only promote positive things......... is retarded in itself breh
And I'm not even that religious. I just don't understand how so much shyt can get talked about things that only promote good.