can you show me the stats on this?
This is Bill and Melinda speaking on behalf of brown people. They haven’t published 1 video, not even a staged one, or interview from a person they’re allegedly saving. All of the “
bu...bu...bu.. but they have 19 kids in hopes of getting 1 past 3 years old, if we could get into their fallopian tubes and help their uteruses, they could go 2 for 2 and stop all the brown kids from being born into poverty” is Bill and Melinda trying to stop the numbers from rising. He’s selling this to America and his legions of worshippers are eating it up. They didn’t have to hear from 1 African before assuming they need to reproduce less. He knows Americans are money hungry fools and the thought of Africans finding happiness without a loaded 401k or millions of liquid money won’t compute.....don’t even ask.