Lust after white women to the point of raping them while being condescending towards your own people brehs.
black men pull up your pants
Lust after white women to the point of raping them while being condescending towards your own people brehs.
I believe he's a rapist but I am now CIRCUMSPECT of her accusations because she's a CAC
Why are y'all trying so hard to defend Cosby though? The allegations have been going on for years in the past, they just didn't receive attention because his execs didn't want his image ruined during his absolute prime.
What would you guys do if your daughters or wives or sisters were raped?![]()
She dont got councilers friends or family. Women need to man up. If something happens say something or stfu. Same think i tell my son. Dont wait to tell a week later.A lot of rape victims don't say anything at all. So someone waiting 30 years to talk about it doesn't really seem suspicious.![]()
She dont got councilers friends or family. Women need to man up. If something happens say something or stfu. Same think i tell my son. Dont wait to tell a week later.
If she feel so bad why she gotta tell the world though. She went from not wanting to tell anybody to wanting millions to know. Is it cause he famous. Why you gotta tell anything other than "i was raped" and hold X amount of interviews.
Women dont know what they want.
Nah not when the cacette feminist brigade rounds up their army of fakkits,and bytches with no racial identity...It still makes money. That's all they care about
Incidents with kids coming forward when they are grown and adults coming forward 30 years later are totally different. But thats women logic for you, justifing your action in comparing your self to children.Stop. It's not only women that are abused that don't say anything A LOT of men don't say anything either. Look at all the child stars that come out and say they were abused as children but waited until they were older to say something. I guess they should just stfu. I really hope you didn't/don't tell your son that because there's a huge chance that he will choose to "stfu" like most victims do and their abusers get to continue doing what their doing.
Sounds like stop snitching to me. Everybody has demons and you saying her demons may have caused hundreds of rapes cause she didnt come forward?You can't tell people when they should feel comfortable talking about something like this. They have to build up the courage to say something because they have to deal with the possibility that they will be made fun of, that no one will care, that people will call them liars, or that it will happen again.
Nah not when the cacette feminist brigade rounds up their army of fakkits,and bytches with no racial identity...
They gonna cry and cry,then the media gonna get it on the action and start a dialogue on this..
"Nick at Nite is still showing The Cosby Show,yet 7TH Heaven a show centered on good white christian values was taken off air."
All these c00ns who got picked on as kids and feel more comfortable around whites,fakkits,date whites,and have white friends gonna get in on the Cosby hate.
:iseeu:Media needed a distraction from all of the Lena shyt