Ethnic Cleansing
Fucc Slobks and Crabks
FYI 7th Heaven is still airing on the up channel, yet the Cosby show was pulled. One admitted to molesting underaged girls while the other payed off an accuser under the auspice that it was confidential.
FYI 7th Heaven is still airing on the up channel, yet the Cosby show was pulled. One admitted to molesting underaged girls while the other payed off an accuser under the auspice that it was confidential.
FYI 7th Heaven is still airing on the up channel, yet the Cosby show was pulled. One admitted to molesting underaged girls while the other battles hearsay.
I said the same thing, I said that he probably promised to give them a guest spot on I Spy if they sucked his dikk then he went back on his word. If he did rape them then he deserves whatever happens to him, if he didn't then all these women need to just fess up to being whores. Beverly Johnson & Janice dikkerson are so full of shyt, their stories changed as soon as they saw this get traction. Beverly said she only met him once and Camille was there and she had a great meeting, but now he's a monster who met her privately and drugged her cappuccinoTheir really still showing 7th Heaven
Well anyway. if Cosby was white... jackshyt would be happening to him. Nothing happened to Woody and Polanski.
Hell if Polanski hadn't of fukking fled, he would be sitting pretty in the usa still makin flicks here
Because let's keep it 100%, the entertainment industry is and has always been a demonic place. But anyway I don't think Cosby raped anyone.... but he probably sold some hollywood dreams for poon.
Don't know wether he pissed someone off or if this is because of the current racial climate of the country, but someone obviously put a hit on his ass.
You cant rock with a scenario like that, but you'll rock with it being a massive conspiracy to randomly bring Bill Cosby down?
You realize that rape goes largely unreported? You're aware of that fact, correct? You're also aware it was even less commonly reported back in the 60s, 70s, 80s, correct?
Blindly state a black man is a serial drug rapist before he even gets charged let alone goes to trial.blindly support a serial drug rapist
Im listening to the fukking accusers right now troll, not the 'white media'
Stop trolling me and actually listen to these women
Its absolutely ridiculous to just pass this off as a conspiracy, you should be embarrassed
Also embarrassing how you went right to the 'white women' angle, when its plenty of black women too
bro, he clearly was a serial drug rapist
why is this hard for you to accept?
whether he raped every single person that was come out on this is non consequential
he clearly raped a large number of them
why dont you actually listen to their stories? that too hard for you?
Shut the fukk up fakkit whinin like a little bytch about "rape culture" just cause people don'tNo, thats not what Im 'basically' saying. Stop trying to be simple, unless you are simple
its comical you would make this post, when you are holding to the stance that all these women(what, its like 50ish now?) are all making this up on some big conspiracy tip created by the 'white media'
step back and see how ridiculous that is man
rape culture in full effect in this thread, wish men could be better on the topic of sexual assault, but its clear we're still a long ways away
Its difficult to have this discussion if you're in the camp of "never question a woman who claims to have been raped or else you're contributin to rape culture" since that allows for any woman to lie and never have to back up her accusations or have them stand up to scrutiny.Again, its difficult to even have this discussion if you seriously in the camp of "its a conspiracy, all these women are making it up"
If thats you're stance, just go away and stop talking
Thats embarrassing and insulting to these women
We need physical proof or somethin other than their word, people lie everyday just cause they're women or it sounds convincin doesn't mean it's true. Testimony doesn't count as proof its merely hearsay, thank God you retards don't run the judicial system cause half the population would be in prison over accusations.What proof do you need? Testimony counts as proof you know!
How convenient there's no physical evidence since the accusations are decades old and when questioned as to why they didn't come forward or tell someone they have the ready made excuse from feminists like you that they're just in the statistical category of rape victims that don't speak up until years later, pathetic that you don't see how easy that makes it for a liar to ruin someone's life while ridin on the backs of REAL rape victims. It shows how simple you are to tell someone to stop demandin proof and just go off of a person's word, you can't and shouldn't convict someone based solely on the word of someone else.there obviously will be no physical 'proof' .. these accusations are from the 60s, 70s, 80s
stop being simple and demanding 'proof' whild disregarding the countless testimonies provided
Would like to see some of your opinions here if you had someone close to you sexually assaulted
and if you have, and you're talking like this .... despicable
I'm not really trying to bring it there and wasn't looking for that discussion
It's diminishing these women's stories and hardships
You're also aware that a black man accused of rapin a white woman back in the 60s, 70s, 80s would have automatically been thrown under the jail, correct?
Scariest part of this is the new lawsuit for defamation........and the fact it was not thrown out by the judge. Goes to show man, judges ARE HUMAN and can be INFLUENCED. We all know this but if this doesn't scare you....
these 3 ladies with no proof said Cosby assualted them....
His lawyers said it never happened and there is No proof it did.
Now they are suing him for calling them liars for denying anything happened.
So now any of us can be accused of something without proof. No evidence, nothing.................and if you say that is not true or that you are innocent then you can be SUED for Defamation because you're saying that person is lying??????
Anyone who accuses you of a crime but can't prove it can now sue you if you say they are not being honest in their accusations?
How can ANY judge rock with this? Because now it's a roundabout way to say hey we accuse you of this.........I didn't do it..........Oh really well I can't prove you did but I can sue you so you have to prove you didn't.........
They digging hard to get in this mans pockets now.....
Been asking this since day one to all the idiots who don't see whats going on....How much $ makes rape ok? They gonna have to come up with a dollar amount and I'm sure most of the accusers have worked out a figure with their lawyers........Gonna be interesting to see how much that number is..........
Mannnn shyt is scary. I really haven't been keeping up with this story at all. But almost every week a new accuser comes out of the wood work and I am.
Cosby is like the Walt Chamberlain of rape outchea, raping everybody.
The court of public opinion is a huge thing. They have completely destroyed him in that.
You realize that a woman can lie about a man rapin her and use the cop out that she didn't come forward sooner because "rape goes largely unreported" right?
You're aware that idiots like you lumpin in proven rape victims wit any woman who claims to have been raped is why vindictive women are able to get innocent men thrown in prison for a false report, correct?
You're also aware that a black man accused of rapin a white woman back in the 60s, 70s, 80s would have automatically been thrown under the jail, correct?
Blindly state a black man is a serial drug rapist before he even gets charged let alone goes to trial.
Most of them are white and they're on the white media.
Just because someone disagrees wit your opinion doesn't make them a troll, listenin to those women won't change anythin all they can do is give their side of the story there's still Cosby's side and the evidence's side cause men lie women lie the evidence doesn't.
Its absolutely ridiculous to just ignore that random director goin hard on Twitter desperately tryna convince the world that Cosby was guilty from day one without any evidence when he doesn't know any of the people involvedyou should be embarrassed bein so naive to think thats not suspicious and doesn't support the theory of this bein a conspiracy.
Also embarrassin how an alleged black man is so eager to label another black man as a rapist when he hasn't even been charged wit anythin.
He clearly is innocent until proven guilty, why is that so hard for you to accept? Whether you think he is guilty or not is your OPINION, we don't have any solid evidence much less proof so quit statin your views as fact. Why don't you stop automatically believin "stories" and wait for somethin concrete, he hasn't even told his story but morons like you think only hearin a woman's side is all you need.
Shut the fukk up fakkit whinin like a little bytch about "rape culture" just cause people don'tand play captain save a hoe when an accusation of rape is made, men are fine on the topic its women and sissies like you that are a long ways away throwin out the court of law for the court of public opinion where everyone is guilty.
Yall just wanna be PC and automatically believe a woman who says she was raped since our society tells you to give a woman cryin rape unconditional support, thats fine if the woman is your close friend or relative but if you don't know the bytch you not obligated to ignore the possibility that she lyin or refrain from bein skeptical of her you can question her all you want since she's makin the accusation so the burden of proof is on her.
Not immediately callin them liars and waitin to get all the facts is the only thing people need to do, you feminists go overboard wit makin every female the poster child for rape no matter the situation you prolly were one of the imbeciles in the lynch mob durin the Duke Lacrosse case and we all know how that turned out.
Just because alot of people say somethin doesn't make it true, there's thousands who claim to have been abducted by UFOs so by your logic I guess you believe that aliens are kidnappin people too. The fact that 50 women never said a word but all the sudden are comin out the woodwork within the last year or so makes it seem MORE suspicious, its one thing if one or even a few accused him of rape but the parade of women comin out now sayin he's been a serial rapist for decades yet there hasn't been a shred of evidence any eye witnesses and virtually no one around back then talkin about it has this soundin like. Add that to the fact that Janice dikkinson is one of the accusers who if you know her history is a habitual liar wit a big mouth that never hesitates to speak her mind, she told the world about her father bein a pedophile that molested her sister and tried to fukk her yet we supposed to believe she kept silent about Cosby not even sayin anythin negative about him when writin about him in her book.
Those things along wit that social justice warrior director goin out of his way to destroy Cosby while not sayin jack shyt about that 7th Heaven actor admittin on tape to bein a child molester are major reasons to doubt this, step back and see how ridiculous you are for actin like its absurd to question this case.
Its difficult to have this discussion if you're in the camp of "never question a woman who claims to have been raped or else you're contributin to rape culture" since that allows for any woman to lie and never have to back up her accusations or have them stand up to scrutiny.
And who the fukk are you to tell people to go away and stop talkin?You're basically tryin to silence opposition because you don't like what's bein said which further proves how biased you are, you have less credibility than these women cause you WANT to believe its true based on your feminist mindset. Its not embarrassin and insultin to these women if they ae liars, you're just treatin them like they're definite rape victims cause you're sensitive to this subject.
We need physical proof or somethin other than their word, people lie everyday just cause they're women or it sounds convincin doesn't mean it's true. Testimony doesn't count as proof its merely hearsay, thank God you retards don't run the judicial system cause half the population would be in prison over accusations.
How convenient there's no physical evidence since the accusations are decades old and when questioned as to why they didn't come forward or tell someone they have the ready made excuse from feminists like you that they're just in the statistical category of rape victims that don't speak up until years later, pathetic that you don't see how easy that makes it for a liar to ruin someone's life while ridin on the backs of REAL rape victims. It shows how simple you are to tell someone to stop demandin proof and just go off of a person's word, you can't and shouldn't convict someone based solely on the word of someone else.
Thats your problem you're just an emotional little bytch thats applyin your own experiences to this case, which is exactly what a woman that is lyin is countin on. They know actual rape victims feminists and beta males are gonna say prayers and light candles while condemnin the accused the second they hear of this before the story is even told, what's despicable is you knowingly refusin to use common sense because you have knee jerk reactions whenever the word rape is mentioned.
You don't even know if these women's stories are true, if they're lyin its diminishin legit rape victim's hardships.
If u believe white women being raped by a black man during the 60's and getting away with it, then youre a idiotIf you think it's more likely that 40 different women are lying than that 1 man is lying, you're an idiot.
If u believe white women being raped by a black man during the 60's and getting away with it, then youre a idiot![]()
Jesus christ you acting like he was untouchable or some shyt. History has proven that No black man is untouchable in Amerikkka. They will grapple you, handcuff you (ask james blake) charge you based in hearsay and flimsey evidence (ask Kobe and any bm being released by the innocent project), make a example out of u, and throw your black ass in jail no matter how rich and famous you are (Vick).We're talking about over 40 women, not all White, raped between the 60s and the late 2000s by a rich and powerful celebrity with a good reputation. So stop being dishonest.
Why would they do this? Come on man. He raped them. At first, there is always doubt when a woman comes out with accusations but it's up to 40 women now. Majority of them aren't looking for money.
Jesus christ you acting like he was untouchable or some shyt. History has proven that No black man is untouchable in Amerikkka. They will grapple you, handcuff you (ask james blake) charge you based in hearsay and flimsey evidence (ask Kobe and any bm being released by the innocent project), make a example out of u, and throw your black ass in jail no matter how rich and famous you are (Vick).
You know there are people out their who get their jollies upby charging and breaking down proud black men just becauze he's still a ******??
You know entire cities were burned downand entire families were murdered bc of a alledged rape of a white woman?
You think back in the 60's that Tulsa was still fresh on a lot of people's minds? And nikkas still think he was getting away with raping white women back in Jim Crow?!![]()