Bill Cosby is done

sun raw

All Star
Mar 8, 2014
at least you ain't deny it :ehh:

**updating the Coli cac list

no you fool CAC has two C's in it, this shyt goes even deeper than we thought

shyt it could go all the way to Congress, which also starts with a C

we're through the looking glass here, people
Apr 3, 2014
come on you're on a roll here what's the next bit of important info we need to know to crack the mystery of bill cosby's alleged sexual assault boogaloo

if you need inspiration watch this scene

a cac that has immersed himself in the blaxploitation culture that is a part of the african american experience.

I love it. What else ya got for me, cac?


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
nah, capitalists aren't evil movie villains, they're capitalists and ultimately they're out to make money

plus it's not like corporations are opposed to taking positive or even subversive images and commercializing them

like why do you think filmmakers like melvin van peebles criticized blaxploitation movies? because he saw it as white filmmakers and producers using racial issues to turn a profit (he claims that Shaft was originally written as a white detective but once people saw the success of Sweet Sweetback's Baadassss Song they jumped on board)

Like all of those capitalists during segregation that wouldn't let black people into their stores :usure:


May 2, 2012
EXCLUSIVE: Bill Cosby used a 'friend' to court wife of Incredible Hulk star Lou Ferrigno and then set her up with comic at his home - where he attacked her after Camille Cosby left the room
  • Carla Ferrigno, wife of The Hulk star, is coming forward to say the comic legend tried to sexually assault her in 1967
  • Former Playboy Bunny was 'picked up' by a nice-looking guy at the airport who asked her for a date and then introduced her to his friend, Bill Cosby
  • Carla says Cosby tried to ply her with drinks and forcibly kissed her at his home - after his wife had left the room
  • She never told Lou about what happened but now says: 'I'm coming forward. One more nail in the coffin'
  • Latest woman to accuse man known as 'America's dad' of attack

Carla Ferrigno, wife of The Incredible Hulk star Lou Ferrigno, has revealed that Bill Cosby used a 'friend' to pick her up and arrange for her to meet the star.

After a night out with Cosby and his wife Camille, they went to Cosby's home in Los Angeles where Camille retired, her date left the room and Cosby tried to have his way with her.

Carla Ferrigno, in an exclusive interview with MailOnline, says she was still in her teens when Cosby tried to sexually assault her.

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Carla Ferrigno, in an exclusive interview with MailOnline, says she was just still in her teens but over 18 when Cosby tried to sexually assault her


What did Camille know? She was out with Carla, her 'date,' and Bill and knew she was in the house when she retired for the night


Lou Ferrigno played The Incredible Hulk on TV from 1977 to 1982

'What happened is I was Kentucky on vacation to see my family. I got back to LAX [airport] and this man maybe 30s, he came over to me and said he would love to have my phone number and take me to dinner sometime.'

This was in 1967 and Carla was a Playboy Bunny in Los Angeles working at the Playboy Club.

'I was used to that. So I said ok,' she said.

'He called me about a week later and we went to dinner. We had a very nice time. Very nice man. And then he said to me after dinner, "My close friend is Bill Cosby and I was wondering if you might want to go to his house."

I said, "sure", so I went over there with him. His wife was there.

'And he was there. Camille. I can't remember anyone's name anymore, but I remember hers. I will never forget her.

'We were there not even 10 minutes there and Bill suggested we go the movies.

'He talked to me a lot at the movies. I was uncomfortable with that because his wife was there. But he was funny. He was fun.

'So it was suggested we go back to his house to play some pool. And I loved that idea. I was the pool bunny at the Playboy Club. I was very good at pool.

'I grew up with my mom in a bar that she owned so I was playing pool at seven. I was pretty good'

She and her date and Bill started to play pool and in the middle of the game, she looks up and asked where Camille was.


Bodybuilder Lou works out with Carla Green i

'She's probably gone to bed,' Cosby told her.

'Things are starting to feel odd now. I'm from the South and you always say good night to your guests so I asked, "Why didn't she say goodnight?"'

'He said she was probably tired so I kept watching them play. And then Bill won, so Bill and I played. And pretty soon I noticed that the guy disappeared and I asked where he went,

'He told me 'probably to the bathroom'.

'Things really seemed odder now. We kept playing. Bill beat me. And just as I was ready to put the pool cue down he came forward at me. I thought he was reaching for the pool cue. But he came at me and grabbed me in such a powerful way. Grabbing me.

I had never been treated so roughly and he pulled me hard to him, so hard.
'He was much bigger than me. Much bigger and he pulled me so hard and so rough. I had never been treated so roughly and he pulled me hard to him so hard.

'And then kissed me so hard, right in the mouth. No one has ever been that physically violent with me.

'I was stunned. I was frozen. I took all my body strength and used both of my arms to stop him and push him away from me. He was so forceful.

'And I said, "What are you doing?'" He just looked at me.

'He said, 'What's your problem?' And I didn't know what to say. I said, 'I've never been kissed by a black man before.'

And he said, "How was it?" And I said,"Just the same."

'He glared at me and in this very mean tone said, 'Obviously it isn't, or you wouldn't have made that comment.'


Bill Cosby's home is vacated as the recent sexual assault allegations against him continue


The couple in 1980 with and their three-month-old baby daughter, Shanna. They have two other children

'I just ran. I just took off down the hallway, and I saw my friend show up in the hallway, I knew right then, that he knew, he knew why he was bringing me here.'

She told him she wanted to go home. They didn't talk about what happened. He took her home and she never saw that man again.

I want to address every woman in America to come forward so this sort of thing doesn't happen again. Any woman who was hurt by this man needs to stand up and speak out. No more. No more.
'Since then, when I've thought about it, I look back and think, after that 'push' when I pushed him away and he was staring at me, he was evaluating me.

'He tried to give me drinks.'

She said no and then he asked if she wanted any other kind of drink, and she refused.

'I wasn't one of the vulnerable ones. I wasn't one of the ones he was going to get.

Carla says she never told her husband about what happened. 'I didn't tell even him (meaning Lou), eight years ago when that woman came out ( Andrea Constand)

' And a few years before that, I was at a celebrity event with Lou. We were all at tables. He (Cosby) was at another table and Lou said he was going over there to talk and say hi.'

She told him she wasn't going over to say hello to that man.

When I was reminded when we went to that event, I didn't even tell Lou about it then. And the last couple days, I'm hearing it on every radio station and TV and I tell my husband that I have to come forward.


Cosby finally gave some response to these recent allegations in an interview with the AP on November 6, saying he had 'no response' and 'no comment'

'To be set up like this really really made me angry! It was just awful. I was listening to what he did to those other women and I feel blessed.

'So blessed that he didn't do to me what he did to them. But some of those girls wanted something from him.

'I never wanted anything from him. I was smart to get away. That was smart.'


Lou told Carla he didn't want her to come forward. 'But I do what I want to do,' she told MailOnline

Lou told Carla he didn't want her to come forward.

'But I do what I want to do. He (Lou) went to Reno to work and I'm here. Lou said, "I don't think you should do it. It's not good. It's you know, not safe"

I said, 'I don't give a f***, This was inside of me my whole life and I didn't like it. And every time I'd hear his name, I'd cringe.

'I knew he was a creep and nobody else knew he was a creep, so I kept it to myself. It's that simple.

Andrea Constand - A Temple University employee, she claimed in 2006 that Cosby drugged and sexually assaulted her in his Philadelphia-area mansion two years earlier. Cosby eventually settled this suit out of court as the prosecution said they had 13 Jane Does who would testify Cosby did the same to them in the past.

Barbara Bowman - Bowman told MailOnline that Cosby raped and drugged her back in 1985 when she was a 17-year-old aspiring actress. Bowman was one of the 13 Jane Does in the 2006 trial against Cosby.

Joan Tarshis - Tarshis claimed that she was just 19-years-old when Cosby drugged and raped her twice in Hollywood back in 1969 while she was working as a writer for him.

Janice dikkinson - The supermodel said in an interview that Cosby asked her to come to Lake Tahoe and talk about a television role in 1982, but ended up drugging and raping her.

Tamara Green - Green, who first came forward in 2005 told MailOnline that she was an aspiring actress in the 1970s when Cosby gave her pills and pretended to care for her while she had the flu, but instead sexually assaulted her.

Therese Serignese - Also one of the 13 Jane Does, she says she was 19 when Cosby drugged and raped her in Las Vegas after one of his shows.

'So who cares? Why not why tell the truth. I didn't tell even him (Lou), eight years ago when that woman came out (Andrea Constand).'

'And I didn't think my husband needed to know. He's a jealous Italian and he adores me and he always has, and he's not going to stop now.

'I have no reason to do this except my own reason. Bill said he won't talk about it.

'I want to address every woman in America to come forward so this sort of thing doesn't happen again. Any woman who was hurt by this man needs to stand up and speak out against the insanity with the lawyers and the abuse. No more. No more.

''And I was a girl. Every since I was a young girl, starting at the age of five, it was okay. Men were trying to touch me or molest me.

'I didn't expect all of this. I told my husband, "All I want to do is tell somebody," and he said "Why?' and I said "I want every one who has been touched by this man to come forward."

'I'm coming forward. I want to be one of those women. One more nail in the coffin.'

'One more nail so he never does this again to anybody! And I'm going forward. I have nothing to gain by it.

'And guess what? I have nothing to lose from it either, so why not tell the truth?

In an interview on the John and Ken Show, Carla says Cosby lunged at her and forcefully kissed her at a party when she was just a teenager - and his wife was home.

Speaking with MailOnline after the interview, she said, 'I feel so bad for these women. I was the lucky one.'

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The seperation between what's fake and what's real
May 20, 2012
'I'm coming forward. I want to be one of those women. One more nail in the coffin.'

'One more nail so he never does this again to anybody! And I'm going forward. I have nothing to gain by it.

'And guess what? I have nothing to lose from it either, so why not tell the truth?


sun raw

All Star
Mar 8, 2014
Like all of those capitalists during segregation that wouldn't let black people into their stores :usure:

it's not crazy to consider segregation from a perspective based around class, (rich) white people were scared of the new rights black people were rightfully getting so they enact segregation laws in order to prevent that sort of upward mobility

plus you gotta remember things like black wall street and other instances where the violent actions of whites were based in part on a fear of blacks owning businesses, gaining capital; black economic progress scares white people on many levels

Exactly!! In this country it's white supremacy >>> money.

“As was stated earlier, all of the countries that are emerging today from under the shackles of colonialism are turning toward socialism. I don’t think it’s an accident. Most of the countries that were colonial powers were capitalist countries, and the last bulwark of capitalism today is America. It’s impossible for a white person to believe in capitalism and not believe in racism. You can’t have capitalism without racism.” -Malcolm X

not either/or, both/and

Diddly Drogba

Jun 7, 2014
The media is slick they know people wont even read the stories they just here another "victim" and think he raped her. But if you read these stories most of these women are claiming he tried to kiss them or grabbed their ass or breast, that is not rape. shyt we use to do that on the school bus to chicks everyday. :shaq:


Sep 21, 2012
The media is slick they know people wont even read the stories they just here another "victim" and think he raped her. But if you read these stories most of these women are claiming he tried to kiss them or grabbed their ass or breast, that is not rape. shyt we use to do that on the school bus to chicks everyday. :shaq:

....that's still sexual assault :heh: