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Black entertainers never have a happy ending...![]()

Black entertainers never have a happy ending...![]()
For some reason I think he's going to end up like Joe Paterno.. I don't think his body can handle this level of stress at his age
Nikka got 16 varieties of white p*ssy out the deal with no repercussions breh, I doubt he gives little if any fukk....NIkka is sitting at home like
you know how dumb this is? the nikka is 80 years old....you know how much racism and bigotry this cat has seen in his life?
Breh! Somebody that gets it
that's what I been trying to tell people, man
I've had women go out and say I was thirsting after them hard, and while there was some mutual attraction, that's all it was...
It wasn't even all that, cause I was really trying to get at somebody else during that time period
but later, I found out that she was behind my back, spreading lies and misinformation telling people that i was chasing her, trying to do this and do that to her...
women will do something and then come back later and regret it, and decide that they're gonna become "victims"
that's how easy it is for women. (not to make this a bash women thing, but it's true)
women can have sex with a man tonight and everything can be consensual... then she can wake up tomorrow, decide that she really regrets doing it, and then goes out to say you took advantage of her in an effort to save face
somebody told me that years ago, and it was so true
his wife let him run wild with affairs and stuck it out? guess he is richer than king tut, lol.
anyways...that's what denzel washington must be doing since he married an average broad and women stayed throwing at him 1988-2008.
but this drugging women part?..something seems off. some of these women were mistress that were not some one time thing....so he would need to randomly drug them at some point when he getting play or about to get play? hahaha....it's really not adding up.
but i ain't no nothing about how he was living....didn't realize his moral compass was that low. Not that he's out there doing serious ish...but i thought Cosby was more clean cut.
Who remembers when Cosby was exposed for having an affair and secretly paying off a girl who may have been his illegitimate daughter in exchange for her silence? And when he refused to take a paternity test?![]()
Woman refuses test to see if Bill Cosby is her father
July 29, 1997
Web posted at: 11:27 p.m. EDT (0327 GMT)
NEW YORK (CNN) -- The woman convicted of trying to extort money from actor Bill Cosby will not submit to a test to determine if the entertainer is her father, the lawyer for her mother said Tuesday.
Attorney Wanda Akin said on CNN's Larry King Live that such a test is not in Autumn Jackson's best interests. The decision, she said, was reached after consulting with Jackson's attorney Robert Baum.
Cosby had blood drawn for DNA testing Monday night in Los Angeles and, through his lawyer, challenged the 22-year-old woman who claims to be his out-of-wedlock daughter to do the same so they can determine whether he is her biological father.
Cosby is doing it "for Autumn," according to Cosby's attorney Jack Schmitt. "She is confused about who her father is; she is entitled to know," Schmitt told CNN Tuesday.
shyt right as WE SPEAK theres a group of bytches talkin bout my patna hella thirsty for 1 of them and he hella on her tough etc etc and swear to god, on my mother, my patna has never met her in person let alone get at her EVER.
This right here kills me. Remember my dude once tossed out in a convo "Oh Janelle told me about how you used to get mad when she talked about other guys."
Dude wasn't lying either she actually told people that. Tossed her to the sharks but to this day I don't get what in a female's brain tells them they should make up shyt about guys being thirsty.
why spread misinformation, breh? Cosby WANTED to take the paternity test and ol girl wouldn't do it.
He only agreed to take it after the time limit for the test results being admissible in court passed. Before that, he refused to do it. And don't forget, he admitted to paying her off secretly for many years before she went public.
Ugly hoes spreading thirst lies on a whole 'nother spectrum of badcause it's a competition, breh.
Think about it. She's in a conversation with 5 or 6 attractive girls, and they're talking about men the way we talk about women...
The other 5 or 6 girls are talking about who's feeling them, this guy or that guy and what happened...
so she's standing there and she's feeling left out, so to make herself feel better and to make herself look like she got something going on, she start talking about "yeah so and so is calling me and calling me... he gets mad when he see me even talking to another man"
then when it gets back to you, you'recause you don't know what in the world she's talking about
I had to stop talking to this one woman completely... I don't even TALK to her cause she spread so many lies about how I'm fiending for her and I want her and she put that on my rep...
so every time me and her are in the same vicinity, heads are turning looking at me to see how Imma react
bad thing about it is, she's not even all that.... she's a 6 maybe on a good day...![]()