Bill Burr checking Anthony Cumia on his racism.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
I have tried to listen to them as well, but their show doesn't appal to me at all.
yeah man it's not that funny. I tried once or twice and never could get into it.

On Youtube I've searched for Patrice before and heard some funny bits of his that I guess are from the show. Like a bit he had on the movie Face Off, Gallagher, feminists, and stuff like that. But obviously it was funny because Patrice is funny.

I've also heard Jim Norton on a few podcasts and a standup special and he seems funny and like a decent guy. He's a twisted little dude but his honesty about his over the top perversions is pretty funny.

I don't know shyt about Opie or Anthony. Except that Opie is a dumb name.


May 1, 2012
Never listened to O&A and honestly a big reason why (besides the fact that it just didn't seem that funny) was it seemed like they were being slick a lot with the low key racist shyt.

Nice to hear Burr check them on it.

I wouldn't say they were "slick" at all, Patrice and bunch of other ppl even called em out for it bunch of times. the difference was that since they were all cool/friends it wasn't that serious to them even when they were talkin about serious stuff.

their show was usually the funniest when there was more than one comedian in the studio with em. because most of em were friends and were able to be relaxed, and they were just shyttin on each other. as for the personalities, Opie is just a radio dude, he'll get one or 2 good jokes or arguments every now n then. Ant is more openly racist (obviously) but he's a really good impressionist, like his Reagan & Dice Clay impressions are really dope. plus he's funnier than Opie 90% of the time. him n Patrice talking about racial issues was really good radio. and unlike now on twitter or on his podcast (haven't really watched/listened though) Anthony used to admit when he was wrong or racist etc. more often. Seeing how more openly racist Ant became after he was fired is kinda fukked up though. I guess now that he knows he doesn't have to answer to anyone he's trying to provoke ppl on purpose more. Don't really like him at all anymore

as for the current Opie w/ Jim show, haven't watched/listened to it that much, only times I check for youtube clips is when one of the old regular guest comedians is a guest & I'm sure Norton is also in the studio. Sharrod Small really is not funny on radio at all.

edit. they basically described Ant's & Patrice's relationship (especially when they were talkin about racial subjects) like this:


We should all strive to be like Mr. Rogers.
Apr 30, 2012
I wouldn't say they were "slick" at all, Patrice and bunch of other ppl even called em out for it bunch of times. the difference was that since they were all cool/friends it wasn't that serious to them even when they were talkin about serious stuff.

their show was usually the funniest when there was more than one comedian in the studio with em. because most of em were friends and were able to be relaxed, and they were just shyttin on each other. as for the personalities, Opie is just a radio dude, he'll get one or 2 good jokes or arguments every now n then. Ant is more openly racist (obviously) but he's a really good impressionist, like his Reagan & Dice Clay impressions are really dope. plus he's funnier than Opie 90% of the time. him n Patrice talking about racial issues was really good radio. and unlike now on twitter or on his podcast (haven't really watched/listened though) Anthony used to admit when he was wrong or racist etc. more often. Seeing how more openly racist Ant became after he was fired is kinda fukked up though. I guess now that he knows he doesn't have to answer to anyone he's trying to provoke ppl on purpose more. Don't really like him at all anymore

as for the current Opie w/ Jim show, haven't watched/listened to it that much, only times I check for youtube clips is when one of the old regular guest comedians is a guest & I'm sure Norton is also in the studio. Sharrod Small really is not funny on radio at all.

edit. they basically described Ant's & Patrice's relationship (especially when they were talkin about racial subjects) like this:

Man This is pretty spot on.

I been listening to Patrice on O&A. I got all the episodes I found on a torrent. Im bout 15 episodes in.

This cac opie is god damn awful, 1 or 2 jokes is too much credit for him. He fukking stinks. He must have rode Anthonys coat tails like a motherfukker.

Ill give credit to Anthony, that wop is hilarious as fukk. Him and Patrice were like a tag team champion duo together. Unbelievable how good they were together.

My Girl is Bow Legged

May 1, 2012
I don't think a lot of nikkas realize Patrice would've defended Anthony when that whole incident went down. Black twitter/coil militants would've came at his ass and called him a c00n like Marc Lamont Hill did on Hannity over the whole Don Imus thing

Patrice hated phoniness more than anything in the world. He didn't like ant's racism but he preferred that honesty over the politically correct horseshyt that white people be on


May 4, 2014
Patrice seems like the type who doesnt care about racist comments. he was right there in the middle of it when they'd make suspect jokes...and at the same time he would make comments about white people an other races as well as women. he was one of those comedians who didnt seem to be offended by anything. he even said no man should have the word "inappropriate" in their vocabulary.

the 3 of them get paid off of racial satire :yeshrug: