The axe murderer
For I am death and I ride on a pale horse
Oh yeah. Art style kinda like berserk. Was a short run thoughThis blaster knuckle looks like some what-if black people knucked up against racists frfr. Am I wrong?

Oh yeah. Art style kinda like berserk. Was a short run thoughThis blaster knuckle looks like some what-if black people knucked up against racists frfr. Am I wrong?
mudazumo naki kaikakuGiven that Super Saiyans are blonde and blue-eyed, this was inevitable. I hope he got his entrails ripped out though? What manga is this from???
Still need to go through this one thoughLooks like a Zoalord is about to fight Robocop 3.0.
all she does it flex
she gon play catchup with the flex gawd leviall she does it flex