I'm not saying the scientists are wrong, I'm just saying that they can plant their words carefully so as to remain politically correct.
Consider this. If a scientist discovered evidence supporting the notion that blacks are genetically predisposed to be violent, do you think people would look at it objectively and welcome the new information, as if it were just any other scientific theory? Nope. Political correctness says you can't form a hypothesis on that kind of evidence unless you have absolute proof. So unless there is absolute proof, you will never hear of what might be pretty convincing evidence.
Dictators responsible for massive crimes against humanity (over 20 million dead)
Joseph Stalin USSR 1924-1953 Communist Revolutionary regime
Adolph Hitler Germany 1933-1945 FascistWorld War II, Jewish Holocaust
Mao Tse-Tung China 1945-1976 Communist Revolutionary
Dictators responsible for horrible atrocities (at least 1 million dead)
Leopold II
Wilhelm II
Nicholas II
Enver Pasha,
Kim Il Sung
Prime Minister
Pol Pot
Kim Jong Il
Which one of them was black?
Which blacks went around the world enslaving and wiping out entire societies?
Which blacks lynched white people minding their own business?
Which blacks wiped entire cities off the map to test out nuclear weapons?
I don't know if you're a c00n or not but you're certainly ill-informed/brainwashed. What blacks have done thus far is child's play compared to the what white people...and to a lesser extent, asians have done.