Playaz Eyez
What money was he making for the company? do you know that or are you just assuming. Idc what hes making, forget his merchandise sales im not pushing a zack ryder as a star on my show never. An average at best in ring talent who got over on corny white boy humour, na son.
They were pushing his merch all throughout that horrible feud involving Eve/Cena/Kane and fans were actually buying them and not just the WWE handing them out before shows like they do with some of those unison crowd signs. Being over is not synonymous with being a star. Ryder was a popular midcarder in the vain of Al Snow, and you need those types of guys in addition to your main event guys.
Big Show’s locker room assessment couldn’t be more out of touch with today’s WWE locker room. The company punishes people for the most part for getting over on their own and they basically handpick who they want to be “the guy”. With that in mind what’s the point of being cutthroat and stepping on toes only for it fall on deaf ears and blind eyes. So why not just get paid and chill. Big Show also has a lot of nerve tossing shots at New Day especially after all the shenanigans he’s partaken in as well.
Big Show was in a diaper as a New Years Baby not too long ago and took part in a feud where Stephanie McMahon berated and smacked him around and made him cry.