pico pal q lee
Rosenberg and Stat Guy greg have fallen for the "Meltzer makes up shyt and says it after the fact" rhetoric even though in this week's observer Dave extensivley reports the behind the scenes stuff with Daniel Bryan clearence. I dont get why people still say this about him even though he correctedly reported everything with last year's Wrestlemania build a week before the Royal Rumble (Who was winning who was losing belts in Feb etc) and even this year's main event. I mean more than anything else plans do change in wrestling
Criticizing the Bryan stuff makes no sense because D-Bry has been Dave's main source on his status since he had the neck injury - as I've said somewhere else, if you don't believe it just go back and read Observers and then listen to Bryan's interviews a few weeks after reports about him, he basically says the exact same shyt Dave reported - but it's also true that for every big story that happens, Dave keeps his mouth shut until it breaks. And when he reports anything important, it's always in a double talk way, of course people are gonna be iffy about him.
Besides, when you take Wrestlemania out of the way, he's been dead wrong on a number of issues in the past 2-3 years.
And as you said, it doesn't help that Meltzer is a fukking a$$hole AND a moron on Twitter 95% of the time.