At this point I just want them to speed the game up, and decide a winner. I do however think this season (which may be a hot take) is the best season since BB18 (BB20 and BB21 is close to).
I just feel like once it gets to around final 5 final 6, every season. It begins to drag on a little. This 5 is interesting but feeds is kind of dead. Has been since the split to be honest. Then Joseph & Jasmine leaving kind of brought down the entertainment a bit. Say what you want about Jasmine. She was good tv (annoying but good tv). Plus sometimes these shows need somebody like her for people to hate.
If they do the split next season (I doubt it because there were too many problems wall yellers, noise etc). I wouldn’t mind seeing it in week 1, or week 3. If they did it they should go up to 18 hg though. The twist is great in theory but it’s execution is easier said than done it seemed. I think they need to make some tweaks if they do it again.
As for who I think wins the season. I think Monte wins. I don’t hate a Monte win as much as I would have in the first half of the season, and I probably would prefer he win over Taylor. I ain’t even going to lie. I wanted Taylor to win over Monte. BUT her crazy ass fans make’s me want to see her lose (she’s getting afp anyway) so I can see the meltdown on Twitter. They overrate her every move, or lack there of. If you look at her game close, her STORY is

but she didn’t put things in motion as much as her fans claim. I give her full credit for getting Michael out. But we not about to act like she wasn’t oblivious as hell in the beginning, didn’t have the worst in game HOH of the season, and was protected by Michael and the LO. Which isn’t bad but, it’s not like she was some mastermind, or pulling the strings behind the scenes. I also think she was lowkey protected by production sneaking in hints she was loved by America. Therefore no one really wanted to target her.
All in all. This season has been one of the most (if not the most) unpredictable I’ve ever seen in realtime though. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I don’t even rock with SG. This is what i was saying just before they made this tweet (they basically got ratio’d). Taylor herself doesn’t even know she has a cult yet. They act like the beehive, and barbies. They’ll involve people personal life, and shyt if you don’t pledge to their queen.