Big brother season 24 thread


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
It’s wild how Terrance appeared to be the most angry at this happening. Arguably more angry at Michael & Brittany, than the man who actually had done wrong. Then what they didn’t show was Terrance trying to save Kyle, and immediately campaigning for Kyle after the house meeting, and then again later that day. Yesterday they didn’t show Turner basically brushing off M/B at first in the HOH room and still targeting Taylor. They didn’t show Alyssa breaking up with Kyle, then letting Kyle smash two more times the next day etc

I lowkey agree with this I found on Twitter yesterday:

I think every single person left in the house is performative, or has been performative at some point in the game to an extent. I’m not mad at it, it’s a game for $750,000. I expect people to leave their morals at the door, like say Dan would. I just respect it more if you keeping it a hunnid to the viewers. For Terrance to cry, and and say to Kyle he shouldn’t of gotten out Joeseph. Then turn around and try to save Kyle is sketch.
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Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
Michael aka Candyman

People in Twitter spaces happy because it saves Taylor, thinking Michael will go home in the double :mjlol: I’m like, Nikka Michael finna win out. Even if Michael does get evicted next week. Can’t they see that LOWERS Taylor’s chances at winning (or getting to final 3). Michael in the game helps her:heh:
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Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
One more post right quick
For people saying “well if Michael & Brittany cared so much about Taylor and the black community. Why didn’t he pull Taylor down”?

First of all, why would he risk his number one ally in the game. Second, if Brittany stays on the block I’m like 90% sure she’s sent to jury. Terrance LITERALLY said as much (shyt he was about to evict Taylor, and Monte definitely would’ve evicted Brittany). So he’s supposed to sacrifice his game, and chance at $750,000 to save Taylor (because that’s really what this is all about, their obsession with Taylor). It’s crazy how Michael alone has protected Taylor more than any other person in that house, facts (and that includes Monte and every POC in the house). But they want to hate, and put him and Brittany in the same lane as Kyle?? They deserve some blame, but not this huge blame some are putting on them. They didn’t put a gun to Kyle’s head, and made him say those things.

Surprisingly I saw BB16 Derrick saying he don’t like what they did, and he hope they don’t win. Derrick is one of my favorite players to win the game. But come on dawg, let’s not act like you wouldn’t have did the same move if given the chance.

Also, I be feeling like I’m in bizarro world, because people be acting like they’re the angriest at Kyle thinking there’s a Cookout 2.0 when he had no apparent evidence. Like just that alone. When they SHOULD be mad at him countering that by attempting to create an all white alliance, AND calling Monte,Taylor, and Joseph loud (i think he said aggressive to if I recall correctly), then saying the white alliance is the “silent majority”. I don’t even think the house knows most of the things he said (the feed watchers should know).
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American Freedman
Nov 29, 2019
He really didn't gain their trust.

Terrence told Joseph what Kyle had done which shows Terrence doesn't trust him. And Terrence intimated he didn't trust him. In addition, what happens if Taylor or Monte win HoH? You think Terrence and Turner aren't going to throw Kyle under the bus?

Either Kyle or Alyssa would need to win HoH this week in order to stay another week and they would have to get rid of Michael. But their games are over essentially.

Kyle wasn't really on the radar with the leftovers as he had the pound's protection. Joeseph, Turner, and Monte weren't targeting him at final 7. So he had a for sure final 4 with those guys.

Now he has a shaky final four with Terrence, Turner, and Alyssa. He will have Monte and Taylor after him, and he placed his trust in big mouth Terrence who is known to tell secrets. He put himself in a worse position over 10 seconds of passion on a floatie in the have not room.

If Kyle or Alyssa win this week, and Terrence or Turner wins again next week, do you honestly think they won't get Kyle out? Especially knowing Kyle has a penchant to betray his alliance over some punanni?

His game is done.


I didn't get everything right.:lolbron:

But still...

I'll put my coli account on the line for a 2 week ban if Kyle wins this game.


Hold me to it breh.
