Kyle being on the block is only to save face once they get back into the house, also Terrance promised Turner he would be safe, so he was keeping his word.
The smartest move would be for Kyle to get rid of Alyssa, but he's p*ssy whipped and thats not an option for him. She's also his only true ally.
The next best and smartest move is get rid of Joseph, gain Terrance and Turner's trust, then possibly flip the house on Monte/Taylor who targeted Alyssa last week.
Now theyr'e setting it up to make it look like Joseph ratted out the alliance to Terrance and possibly have Turner on their side.
Again, I'm not a fan of Kyle and hate to see Joe leave, but this was a BIG move with BIG risk.
Either way, he wasn't going to last long with the LO, he was near the bottom of their pecking order.
He really didn't gain their trust.
Terrence told Joseph what Kyle had done which shows Terrence doesn't trust him. And Terrence intimated he didn't trust him. In addition, what happens if Taylor or Monte win HoH? You think Terrence and Turner aren't going to throw Kyle under the bus?
Either Kyle or Alyssa would need to win HoH this week in order to stay another week and they would have to get rid of Michael. But their games are over essentially.
Kyle wasn't really on the radar with the leftovers as he had the pound's protection. Joeseph, Turner, and Monte weren't targeting him at final 7. So he had a for sure final 4 with those guys.
Now he has a shaky final four with Terrence, Turner, and Alyssa. He will have Monte and Taylor after him, and he placed his trust in big mouth Terrence who is known to tell secrets. He put himself in a worse position over 10 seconds of passion on a floatie in the have not room.
If Kyle or Alyssa win this week, and Terrence or Turner wins again next week, do you honestly think they won't get Kyle out? Especially knowing Kyle has a penchant to betray his alliance over some punanni?
His game is done.