Wtf is this veto comp
They (FOTTTE) were, and still are the dumbest group ever formed in BB history. But I would like to see Swaggy C play again without them bozos (in the game, not as people). Kaitlyn, and the twist (If I recall correctly) did him dirty. Him winning the first comp should of made him HOH. He didn't really have a chance.I could be wrong but wasn't the Swaggy C season where the people were clueless about the alliance. I think they were dumb on there too.
Dang I remember now. They had a lesbian Hispanic too. She was better at comps thoughThey (FOTTTE) were, and still are the dumbest group ever formed in BB history. But I would like to see Swaggy C play again without them bozos (in the game, not as people). Kaitlyn, and the twist (If I recall correctly) did him dirty. Him winning the first comp should of made him HOH. He didn't really have a chance.
I said this a few pages back. The LO is compared to Level 6 (the group that oposed FOUTTE). Both groups are not really a good aliance. The competition was\is just bad. Level 6 without Tyler would have been just about as dumb as FOUTTE. And I still think even Tyler is a bit overatted just like Level 6 (who's a lot overatted lol). I do agree Tyler was the best (or 2nd best) in the house though.
Yeah I think Kaycee edges Tyler out at comps. Tyler is better strategically. Tyler is better socially. Kaycee has more of a killer instinct though, and is more willing to make the difficult choices to survive in the house. I hear she does outstanding on MTV’s The Challenge competitions as well. She might’ve even won it like she did bb20 idk.Dang I remember now. They had a lesbian Hispanic too. She was better at comps though
She has won The Challengr once. She's incredibly boring to watch but very competent at most of the physical challenges. She's not sure bright on anything puzzle/math related.I hear she does outstanding on MTV’s The Challenge competitions as well. She might’ve even won it like she did bb20 idk.
got this ngga about yo.
Would've been better had they just gotten dizzy, ran to the TV screen to memorize, then ran back and tell what they remembered. The voiceovers, cartoons, and "psychedelic" effect were way over-the-top.I think the veto was, they eat the slop, pretend they’re high, and they were looking at a screen with the animation, and had to tell their partner all the stuff that was in the video.