The thing with Cody is that I don't know how much of his win was due to his own strategy, or Derrick setting everything up for him pregame.
Derrick really needs to be banned from anything BB-related in the future.
I don't want to seem like a Cody stan, or anything. So i'm a just list the facts, and stats (pulled from reddit).
Returning players has always pre-gamed.
Janelle probably pre-gamed the hardest this season.
Pre-gaming doesn't mean you're going to win, or get far. (Janelle this season is proof of that)
You can pre-game and get evicted first.
There are tons of rumors. Nobody knows the facts to said rumors.
The rumors were started by Evel dikk (who hates Derrick), and Janelle.
Derrick has denied he pre-gamed, and set things up for Cody.
Cody said on RHAP he didn't want to let people know he was on the season.
Janelle blatantly cheated while in sequester. Most of the BB fandom don't care. If Cody did what she did. They would have.
Janelle was targeting Cody before the game even began because she already knew the cast.
Cody got Janelle before she got him.
Cody won the first HOH, and built an alliance full of comp beast.
Cody had a great social game on both his seasons.
The game is 85 days long. No amount of pre-gaming can help you for that long unless the game is rigged by production themselves.
Records breh has broken/tied this season:
First Houseguest Ever to Never be on the block and win with a 9-0 vote
First ever 9-0 jury vote in a regular season of Big Brother.
First player ever to make Final 2 without ever being on the block.
Most Jury Votes Voted For (11)
Most Evection Votes Casted (22)
First Player to win while also winning the OTEV PoV
Only player to win 2 Final HoH’s
Only player to win 2 Final PoV’s
Most HoH wins all time (7)
Tied Most PoV Wins all time (7)
Tied Most Comp (Hoh & POV) Wins All time (14)
Tied Most Money Won from Placement (550k)
Tied Most HoH wins in a single season (4)
Tied Least amount Of Eviction Votes Recieved (0)
Tied Most Comp wins for a winner (8)
Derrick didn't/couldn't do all that. Cody did