You may not agree with me but I think Tyler was genuine with BayDay, initially. Dude had been an emotional wreck this entire season, and I think he was being upfront when he went to them, wanting to sacrifice himself. I think the DR, however, skewed his perception when they had him in there for like 3 hours that night; he came back out as if he was now thinking clearly and was just talking out of his head.This season been done since Janelle and Kaysar got evicted.
I haven't been watching, but I am glad Tyler was evicted. Using BLM in his game against 2 Black women for NO reason was sick and disgusting to me, and it tainted him forever.
At first i thought it was some elaborate scheme (still could be to be honest) becauseYou may not agree with me but I think Tyler was genuine with BayDay, initially. Dude had been an emotional wreck this entire season, and I think he was being upfront when he went to them, wanting to sacrifice himself. I think the DR, however, skewed his perception when they had him in there for like 3 hours that night; he came back out as if he was now thinking clearly and was just talking out of his head.
That said, Tyler was still a snake.
The competition is one were two players can gang up on the third player. There’s no way Xmas wins. I think Enzo wins hoh, Cody wins veto, then Xmas goes home next Thursday night.Enzo had the chance to give this season an interesting moment by voting out Christmas and making Nicole get blood on her hands, and he doesn’t do it.
I’ve never seen a more coddled houseguest than Nicole.
But I have to give Cody credit. He’s doing a great job, winning comps, and built alliances. If he wins, he wins.
But I hope Christmas gets HOH just to see who goes.
The competition is one were two players can gang up on the third player. There’s no way Xmas wins. I think Enzo wins hoh, Cody wins veto, then Xmas goes home next Thursday night.
It's beginning to look that way. He still has a shot at cutting Cody though. He can win the veto, keep Cody on the block, and take Xmas off. Signs shows his target is Nicole though. I think he wants to backdoor her. To solidify both Cody, and Xmas takes him to final 2. Nicole definitely ain't taking him. So i get what he's doing. He thinks taking out a former winner can win him the game. And at worst he get's 50k.Sadly enzo a idiot